Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

События в Алма-Ате в декабре 1986 г.: первый ультиматум национальных элит Центру

В статье анализируется роль этноэлит в период нарастания дезинтеграционных процессов в СССР периода перестройки, приведших к распаду единого государства. Исследуются события в Казахстане в декабре 1986 г., их роль в консолидации республиканской партийной элиты, направившей свои усилия на создание этнократического режима и достижение независимости от союзного Центра. Делается вывод о мобилизующем значении этнонационализма как мощного оружия в борьбе за контроль над республиканскими ресурсами, собственностью и властью.

Involvement of Garrison Soldiers into Construction Works in Kronstadt and St. Petersburg in the 1710s and 1720s

The article deals with the question of involving soldiers of garrison regiments to build fortifications in St. Petersburg and Kronstadt in the first third of the 18th century. Soldiers were recruited on the island of Kotlin in the 1710s, when large-scale construction works were launched there. The service- men did not perform hard tasks. Their number, compared with the total number of working people at that time was small.

Russia’s Influence on the Relationship between the Zapoorozhian Sich and the Hetmanate

The article highlights political confrontation between the Hetmanate and the Zapoorozhian Sich and an important role of Russian diplomacy, which sought to limit the autonomy of Ukraine. The author shows that political orientation of the hetmans could vary depending on the political environment. The Russian government skillfully used contra- dictions between different political forces and Moscow diplomats in order to eliminate the Hetmanate autonomy.

Supply of Meat Products to the Front during the First World War: Harvesting Cattle for the Army

The article is devoted to the problem of cattle harvesting for the Russian army during the First World War of 1914–1918. Supplies to the front played an important part in Russian defense capability. Therefore, the government and first of all, the Ministry of Agriculture, which was responsible for the food issues, made great effort to use the livestock fund of the country reasonably.

Development Trends and Geography of Industry of Dagestan in the 1990s–2010s

Common features and peculiarities in different industries in the region during the crisis, changes in the territorial allocation and sectoral industries in Dagestan from the 1990s to 2010 are shown. As it is stressed in the article, despite serious unresolved problems the authorities of the republic (during the analyzed period) with active material and other support from the federal center, carried out purposeful work to overcome difficulties and unresolved problems in industries and ensure their sustainable development.

To the Question of Sources of Settlement of the Customs and Tavern Administrative Equipment in the Voronezh District in the 17th Century

The article is devoted to the problem of settlement of the customs and tavern administrative apparatus in the Voronezh district in the 17th century. The author analyzes the social origin of customs and tavern heads, both as elected on faith, and tax farmers. The article concerns the mechanism of electing of customs and tavern cross-kissers and clerks.

Poetic Images of the Liberation War of Russia in the Balkans (on the Materials of Magazines of the 1870s «Niva» and «Pchela»)

The article is devoted to the figurative and artistic representation of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878 on the pages of popular Russian magazines of the 1870s «Niva» and «Pchela». Analyzing the texts of poems published in periodicals,  the author examines the historical and cultural context of the formation and evolution of images of the liberation war of Russia in the Balkans. The author of the article analyzes the cultural and psychological components of the perception of the  “Slavic question” in Russian society in the 1870s.

Clerical Culture of National Institutions of Pre-revolutionary Russia and Some Features of the Document Performance in Local Autonomy

Based on documentary sources, the article analyzes the peculiarities of the documentary culture of zemstvo self-government bodies starting from the second half of the 19th century till 1917. The article examines the main types and the types of documents that functioned in the system of documenting the activities of zemstvos and their subordinate institutions.

Interaction of Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Press under the Ministry of A. P. Izvolsky

The article considers history of cooperation of Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the press under the ministry of A. P. Izvolsky, based on materials of Archive of Russian Empire Foreign Policy, which has not previously been the object of a special historical research for the specified period of time. Key directions of work with the press are determined and characterized. Special attention is given to the organization of telegraph agency work, a primary source of information that newspapers based their publication materials on.

The Dismantling of the Single Union and the Soviet System of the International Relations in August – December 1991

The article analyzes the specifics of the process of dismantling the Union state and the Soviet mechanism of interethnic interaction. The events associated with the birth of a new geopolitical reality in the former Soviet Union are studied. The sources of future conflicts in the emerging post-Soviet space are studied. The conclusion about the mobilizing value of ethno-nationalism as the main driving force in the disintegration of a single state is made.
