Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

The budget of a Russian peasant collective farmer in 1953–1958 (based on declassified archival documents)

The article analyzes statistics, closed for many decades for an ordinary user, on the budgets of families of peasant collective farmers in 1958. Comparing with the indicators of the period of the beginning of agrarian reforms, we can conclude that the position of the collective farm peasantry has improved somewhat due to the reduction of taxes and fees. At the same time, cash and natural income were small, the structure of expenses did not undergo significant changes.

Evacuation of industry and civilian population to the territory of Kuzbass during the Great Patriotic War

The paper examines the process of evacuation of industrial facilities and civilian population to the territory of the Kemerovo region – Kuzbass during the Great Patriotic War. The author provides information on the number of evacuated enterprises, and also clarifies their locations before and after the relocation. The largest industrial facilities in Kuzbass are highlighted, which were created even before the start of the war and were industrial sites for the commissioning of equipment from arriving factories.

Formation of Soviet control bodies (1926–1934)

The article considers the activities of the authorities in the direction of finding an acceptable model for the organization of control in a Soviet-type society. Based on archival sources, methods and technologies related to the involvement of workers to the work of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate and the construction of the entire system of functioning of control departments are analyzed.

“Historian by inclination” and “Zoshchenko in philosophy”: The scandalous career of the writer H. G. Ajemyan

In the 1940s and 1950s, the writer H. G. Ajemyan actively participated in a number of important scientific discussions on history and philosophy: a meeting of historians in 1944, a discussion about the movement of Caucasian mountaineers, a philosophical discussion in 1947, a discussion of a report on the nature of nations in 1957, at which he was the main “troublemaker”.

Cement production in Russia: Stakeholders and effectiveness of regional business at the end of the XIX century

The activities of “Petersburg Company for the production of Glukhoozersky Portland cement and other building materials” between 1879 and 1899, although only a initial period segment in its history, provides a holistic overview of phase that enterprise underwent on their path to becoming a large industrial firm. This study aims to improve and expand knowledge about the capacity and difficulties of industrial company to adapt to market changes and maintain their competitiveness, interregional coherence and organizational flexibility.

Трамвайные катастрофы в советской городской повседневности 1920-х гг.

В статье показан масштаб проблемы трамвайных аварий в раннесоветских городах, выявлены ее причины, предлагаемые и реализуемые меры по их устранению, дана оценка их эффективности. Основными факторами катастроф было игнорирование правил безопасности, ошибки вагоновожатых, малое число вагонов и их низкое качество. Несмотря на ряд принимаемых мер, вопрос создания безопасной системы городского транспорта было невозможно решить в нестабильных экономических и социальных условиях 1920-х гг.

“Through the eyes of friends”: The use of the international agenda in the Soviet festive propaganda discourse (based on the materials of the 1957 anniversary celebrations in Leningrad)

Based on the material of the periodical press, texts of festive radio broadcasts and documents of the Soviet and party authorities of Leningrad, the features of using the international agenda as one of the tropes of festive propaganda discourse are recreated.

Relations with allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in the process of repatriation of Soviet citizens: Difficulties and contradictions (1944– 1945)

The article examines the problems of the history of relations between the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition in the process of repatriation of Soviet citizens at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War and after its end. The reasons that prevented the return of Soviet citizens to their homeland in 1944–1945 due to the fault of the Anglo-American allies are investigated.

The Stakhanovites of the peat industry of the 1930s: An answer to the modernization challenge of the era

The article examines the development of the Stakhanov movement in the peat industry of the USSR on the example of centralized peat farms of Glavtorf and peat processing of individual industrial enterprises and trusts in the territory of the Kuibyshev, Penza regions and the Mordovian ASSR during the pre-war five-year plans.

Pioneer literature of the 1920s as an educational practice of the soviet Government

The article analyzes the literature of the pioneer organization in order to display the basic principles of the state educational policy for children in the 1920s. The main types of pioneer literature of the 1920s are considered: organizational documentation, in particular, the Charter of the pioneer organization, periodicals, fiction, pioneer folklore(chants, songs, etc.).
