Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2020, Vol. 20, iss. 3

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Отечественная история
Oksamitnaya D. A.
The Imperial Court of Catherine the Great as an Instrument of State Elite Formation
Zaytseva N. V.
Archaeological and Ethnographic Hobbies of F. N. Glinka in the Context of His «Active Life»
Varfolomeev Y. V.
Alexander Ugrimov – Russian Hero of the French Resistance: «I Walked on a Tightrope over an Abyss…»
Tsyplin V. G.
Features of the Protection of the Military Rear in the Initial Period of the Great Patriotic War
Kononirenko V. A.
Migrants to the Post-Deportation Territories of the Volga Region, North Caucasus and Crimea in the 1940s: Ethnic Appearance and Social Portrait
Vlasov A. V.
The Image of the Ally and the Practice of Interaction with Representatives of the Union Administrations in the Daily Life of SMAG Employees in 1945–1949
Всеобщая история и международные отношения
Shestakova N. F.
From Humphrey Llwyd to Iolo Morganwg: Main Stages of Development of Antiquarian Tradition of Wales in the XVI – Mid XIX Century
Tribunskii P. A.
N. V. Orloff and the Beginning of Teaching of the Russian Language at King’s College London
Makeeva S. B.
The Modern Stage of the History of Inter-Regional Russian-Chinese Cooperation in the Conditions of Regionalization
Региональная история и краеведение
Batiev L. V.
Status and Functions of the Mayor of Nakhichevan-on-Don According to the Materials of the Audit By Senator M. N. Zhemchuzhnikov
Lyovin S. V.
The Formation of the Cultural and Educational Environment During the Years of the Civil War in Saratov Gubernia (Based on the Materials of Balashov District)
Guseva Y. Y.
The Relationship Between the Soviet State and the Russian Orthodox Church in the Initial Period of the Great Patriotic War (on the Materials of the Saratov Volga Region)
Rybin A. A.
Medical Care for Residents of Ivanovo, Kostroma and Yaroslavl Regions in Virgin Lands in 1954–1964 Years