Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

Изучение Саратовским губернским статистическим комитетом древнего и средневекового историко-культурного наследия губернии в 1870–1880-х годах

В статье рассматривается деятельность Саратовского губернского статистического по изучению древнего и средневекового прошлого Саратовской губернии в 70-х–80-х гг. XIX в. Рассмотрены непосредственные научные изыскания предпринимаемые членами комитета, попытка создания на базе Саратовского ГСК музея. Отдельное внимание уделено собиранию и каталогизации памятников древнего прошлого региона, предпринятые комитетом в 1873–1874 гг.; участию члена комитета А. И. Соколова в археологических съездах.

«150 школьных зданий для столицы»: непобитый рекорд 1936 года

В работе предпринята попытка сбора временнóй систематизации разрозненных источников о реализации распоряжений советского правительства, МГК ВКП(б) и Моссовета об закладке и сооружении школ для Москвы в 1936 году. В указанный год был поставлен рекорд в области школьного строительства столицы, не побитый по сей день. Работа содержит выдержки из периодических изданий – официальных печатных органов Наркомпроса, МК и МГК ВКП(б), Мособлисполкома, Моссовета и МОСПС, использованы архивные материалы.

Using the resources of the Saratov region for the recruitment of the Army and Navy during the Great Patriotic War

The article presents a general picture of the involvement of human contingents from the Saratov region to recruit the Armed Forces of the USSR on the eve and during the Great Patriotic War. The article highlights in detail the conduct of three waves of the so-called general mobilization of the military in 1941, subsequent party-komsomol and other special mobilizations, as well as the regular conscription of recruits in 1942–1945. The role of the training of military-trained reserves through Vsevobuch, the people’s militia and defense organizations is shown.

The Red Guard as a tool for consolidating Bolshevik power in the German villages of the Volga region

The article shows the most important aspects of the life of the German villages of the Volga region in 1918 using specific facts and examples. An important tool for consolidating the power of the Bolsheviks on the ground were the Red Guard formations created by them, the main requirement for which was to protect the new government and ensure the implementation of its policy on the ground. Performing their functions, these detachments often used repressive methods of treating peasants up to their murder, especially when food and other property were seized from them. 

“Followers of Judaism”. Subbotnik sect of the Saratov province in the 19th-early 20th century: Problems of identification and perception

The article attempts to analyze the problem of identifying subbotniks through the prism of regional refraction, using the example of Saratov province as one of the sectarian centres of residence in the period under consideration. Subbotniks strove for the reception of Old Testament texts, religious traditions and ritual practices, under the influence of which the sectarians’ identity had been developing. The author also examined the origins of subbotniks in the region, their numbers, settlement areas and the building of contacts with normative Judaism supporters.

The causes and features of the manifestation of violent forms of the agrarian movement on the eve of the First Russian Revolution (based on the materials of the Saratov province)

The article examines the violent forms of the agrarian movement of late Imperial Russia as the most dangerous and destructive ways of peasant protest in socio-political, legal and economic terms. Using the example of the Saratov province, the author identifies the causes, motivations and delinquent methods of expressing various illegal excesses in the peasant environment. The main content of the study is the analysis of violent forms of the agrarian movement in Russia at the beginning of the XX century, as varieties of agrarian terror.

Socio-economic practices of zemstvo self-government bodies: Organizing food assistance to the population of Saratov province (1866–1900)

The article is devoted to one of the least studied issues in the field of socio-economic practices of the zemstvo: attempts to resolve the food issue from the creation of the Saratov zemstvo to the adoption of the Temporary Rules on the Food Issue in 1900. The study analyzes the powers of the zemstvo in organizing the grain supply system; activities carried out by the bodies of zemstvo self-government in “peacetime” and during the period of crop failures (famines of 1879 and 1891).

From the Circle of Reading Provincial Clergy of the Begin‑ ning of a XIX-th century

The archival materials resulted in article, are a good illustration of the relation to book culture and a library science of provincial clergy of first half of XIX-th century. The analysis of unique documents, many of which are published for the first time, allows to expand representations about level of erudition of clergy and private libraries on an example of the Saratov diocese.

Person and Reforms in the USSR in 1953–1985 (by Date of the Saratov Region)

In article the daily life of the Saratov’s citizens in period of Khrushchev’s and Brezhnev’s reforms was analyzed. Materials on the data of the archives, periodical press, collections and an interview were prepared.

Electrification of Agricultural Industry of the Volga Region in the Second Part of XX Century

The article analyses, on the base of normative documents, archives files, statistics, periodical, the process of electrification of agriculture of the state and particular the Volga region in the second part of XX century. The work shows the increasing of the level of complex electromechanization of industrial processes. Electro-technical reequipping of agricultural industry developed rather intensively in the researching period and largely promoted the liquidation of manual labour.
