Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

Нейронные сети в исторических исследованиях: локализация островного места сооружения крепости Саратов (предварительные исследования)

В статье рассматриваются вопросы источниковедения и методы исторического исследования на основе анализа данных с использованием геоинформационной системы и нейронных сетей. Исследования основывались на анализе исторических, краеведческих, археологических и гидрологических материалов Нижнего Поволжья при формировании Саратовской городской агломерации. Выявлены сложные паттерны и ассоциации между историческими, археологическими, гидрологическими, топонимическими и логистическими данными, связанными с динамикой урбанизации и развитием городской агломерации.

Нейронные сети в исторических исследованиях: локализация островного места сооружения крепости Саратов

В статье рассматриваются вопросы источниковедения и методы исторического исследования на основе анализа данных с использованием геоинформационной системы и нейронных сетей. Исследования основывались на анализе исторических, краеведческих, археологических и гидрологических материалов Нижнего Поволжья при формировании Саратовской городской агломерации. Выявлены сложные паттерны и ассоциации между историческими, археологическими, гидрологическими, топонимическими и логистическими данными, связанными с динамикой урбанизации и развитием городской агломерации.

National personnel in state and party authorities in the Lower Volga region (1928–1932): Preparation, retraining and accounting

The article examines the organization of the process of accounting, training and retraining of national personnel in the Lower Volga region during the period of the first five-year plan, when the success of economic, economic and political campaigns carried out in the country was largely determined by the intensification of efforts in the field of training personnel for the party and state apparatus.

Church and state policy: Problems of interaction (based on the example of the Saratov Volga region 1917–1920s)

The authors of the article, based on archival material, characterize and analyze the measures of the Soviet government in relation to the church and believers in the 1917–1920s. The article examines events related to the confiscation of churches from believers, the seizure of church valuables from religious buildings in the Saratov Volga region under the pretext of helping the hungry.

Defense of the Volga River delta in September–November 1919

This article explores a little-studied subject of the civil war in the Astrakhan region. The purpose of the research was to study the combat operations of the 11th Army compounds, which made up the defense of the Volga River delta in the fall of 1919. The Volga River delta defense area, which included the western (Yashkul and Kizlyar directions) and eastern (Dzhambay direction) battle areas, was created on August 24, 1919.

From the history of the struggle of political prisoners for their rights: The riot in Tsaritsyn prison

In the article, when researching the events related to the riot of prisoners in Tsaritsyn prison in June 1904, various aspects of the stay of political prisoners in prisons of the Russian Empire are comprehensively considered, with an emphasis on the study of tactics and methods of their confrontation with the prison administration, which they articulated as a struggle for their rights and dignity, considering it as a continuation of the revolutionary struggle with tsarism.

Formation of a research base on the Saratov voivodes of 1590–1700

The article deals with the question of how the accumulation of information about the leaders of Saratov, who served here since the founding of the city and up to the beginning of the XVIII century. It is shown how this process is connected with the publication of various documentary sources during the XIX – early XX centuries, with the publication of genealogical collections and biographical dictionaries, as well as with the creation of the Saratov Academic Archival Commission. The names of the researchers who dealt with this issue are given.

Creation and activity of the labor collective on the rights of the artel “Community” at the Taganrog Institute for the Scientific Organization of Production (Based on the Taganrog Branch of the GARO)

This article discussesthe activities ofthe Taganrog Instituteforthe Scientific Organization of Production atthe final stage ofthe existence of the organization, which, among the different areas of its work, was to create a labor collective on the rights of the artel “Communityээ. The author identified the reasons for its creation, showed the main directions of its work, as well as its leaders on the basis of archival materials stored in the Taganrog branch of the GARO.

Economic relations between Saratov and Ufa at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries (forest bargaining)

The article shows one of the main directions in economic contacts between Saratov and Ufa – timber trade in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. The main source was the reporting of the Ufa branch of the Volga-Kama Commercial Bank, one of the largest private banks of the Russian Empire, whose branches opened in Saratov in 1871, and in Ufa in 1873. The main feature of the Ufa forest trade in Saratov was the use of promissory notes due to the need to quickly sell goods before the end of navigation.

“Caretakers” in the system of self-government of the Nakhichevan Armenian colony on the Don (1779–1870)

Caretakers were established in 1779 as “protectors” of settlers. They were mentioned in Nakhchivan only in 1784 (in 1782–1783 – the town governor). Newly appointed by the magistrate in 1837, two custodians functioned until 1844, and their functions were transferred back to the magistrate’s assessors. In 1780, four custodians were appointed in the villages. They, as lower police officers, acting according to the “Instruction” received from the magistrate, existed until the reforms of the 1860s.
