Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

From the History of the Development of Public Transport Saratov

In this publication we study the peculiarities of public transport in Saratov, which has become an essential part of everyday life. The author examines urbanization processes in pre-revolutionary period, based on new archival data using the modern methodological principles.

Social Composition of the Members of the Volost Zemskiy Assemblies of Astrakhan, Orenburg and Stavropol Provinces Elected in August–October of 1917

In the article the results of election of the heads of Volost Zemskiy Assemblies taken place in the South-Eastern provinces of Russia at the end of the February Revolution are analyzed. The author has considered the social and political structure of Volost Zemskiy members, has classified the Zemskiy Assemblies according to the level of democracy and presence as well as has emphasized the importance of the results of the corresponding election campaign for the development of the Zemstvos and Russian society at the end of 1917 and later.

The Central Powers Citizens in the Saratov Region: the Reverses of the Year 1914

This article is devoted to the analyses of not numerous and very specific population group of the Saratov province – the citizens of the Central Powers, who stayed on the province’s territory without changing their citizenship. Special attention is paid to the reconstruction of those events, which occurred in their lives after the beginning of World War I. The chronology of administrative actions taken in respect of that population group is being reestablished.

The Statistical Committee of Saratov Gubernia in the 1870–1880

The local authorities of the government statistics in the XIX century were gubernia statistics committees. The articles deals with the activities of the Saratov gubernia statistics committee. It is showed that the ways of collecting statistical data, the technigues and methods of their scientific processing by their members of the staff left much to be desired. The zemstvo statistics became more effective in comparison with the gubernia administrative statistics.

At Sources of System of Vocational Training of Clergy of the Saratov Diocese: N. G. Skopin’s Activity and G. I. Chernyshevsky

Article is devoted a creation problem in Saratov parish and district spiritual schools. On the basis of archival materials difficulties of the first years of formation of system of vocational training of clergy in the beginning of XIX century Materials of archival documents which are published for the first time reveal, allow to show merits of known Saratov educators N. G. Skopin and G. I.

Space of Don-Volga Region Vectors of Culturogenesis

The forest-steppe area of the Don-Volga interfluve is a special category of the eurasian space. The active movements of groups of population, who have left mounds with burials of chieftains and charioteers, are along river routes in this region at the turn of the Middle and the Late Bronze Age. Dynamic development of the local vector of cultural genesis is assumed in the context of the integration of many cultural components (Abashevo, Voronezh, Volsk, catacomb, Pokrovsk, lbischensky, Potapovka).

The role of Emelyan Mikhailovich Yaroslavsky in the anti-religious campaign of the 1930s (By the example of the Saratov Volga region)

Based on archival materials, the author of the article analyzes the activities of the Union of Militant Atheists in the Saratov Volga region and the role of the leader of this organization in the 1930s. Examples of the activities of the organization are given, both within the framework of anti-religious agitation and propaganda of the communist ideology, and as an initiator of the closure of churches and prayer houses of all faiths. Emelyan Yaroslavsky is characterized as the main ideologist of state atheism.

Religious practicesof the clergyin the discourseof theimplementationof anti-religious policyin themid-1920s (basedon thematerials of the Samara Province)

This article is motivated to study the process of constructing Soviet society and reconstructing the everyday practices of representatives of religious organizations of the Samara province, who used various ways to counteract the implementation of anti-religious policy pursued by the authorities. The results of the study illustrate various practices used by representatives of various faiths against the anti-religious policy of the Soviet government in order to stop the process of destruction of the religious worldview of the population and consolidate their supporters.

Peat processing of the Saratov province in 1919–1921

The history of the peat industry both on the scale of Russia and in the regional framework of the Saratov province is a poorly studied topic. The article examines various aspects of the functioning of peat mining in Kuznetsk, Serdobsky, Petrovsky counties.

Аctivities of the Military council of the Atkarsk-Rtishchevo fortification area in July – August 1919

The article examines a little-known episode of the Civil War – the activities of the Military Council of the Atkarsk-Rtishchevo fortified region from the moment the fortified area was created on July 19, 1919, until it was disbanded on August 8, 1919. The activities of the Military Council contributed to the repulse of the attack of the Caucasian Army of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia on Saratov. 
