Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

The Governor of Saratov stolnik Danila Varfolomeevich Khitrovo (1659–1660)

The article for the first time presents the biography of the Saratov governor Danila Varfolomeevich Khitrovo, as well as brief information about his ancestors, the Bolkhov landowners. D. V. Khitrovo began his service at the court of Tsar Mikhail Romanov in the late 1630s. as a tenant. During the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, he continued to serve as a solicitor, and then as a steward. Particular attention is paid to the Saratov period in the life of D. V. Khitrovo.

Эвакуация промышленности и гражданского населения на территорию Кузбасса в годы Великой Отечественной войны

В работе рассматривается процесс эвакуации промышленных объектов и гражданского населения на территорию Кемеровской области – Кузбасса в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Автором приводится информация о количестве эвакуированных предприятий, а также уточняются места их размещения до и после перебазирования. Выделяются крупнейшие промышленные объекты Кузбасса, которые были созданы еще до начала войны и являлись промышленными площадками для введения в строй оборудования прибывших заводов.

Physical education and sports in the schools of the Stalingrad (Volgograd) region in 1953–1964

The article analyzes the state and development of teaching physical culture and sports in primary and secondary schools in Stalingrad (Volgograd) and in the during the “Khrushchev thaw”. On the basis of archival sources, the activities of the leadership of public education and physical education to improve the material and technical base, the qualifications of teachers and the level of teaching, and the organization of sports competitions are covered. Achievements and problems that remained unresolved by the end of the era of N. S. Khrushchev are shown.

Population of DDagestan in 1930–1945: Historical and demographic aspect

The article examines demographic processes in Dagestan during one of the dramatic periods in the history of the country. On the basis of the All-Union Population censuses of 1937, 1939, and special literature, the number, sex and age composition, ethnic structure, and demography of the family are characterized. Of particular relevance is the study of the demographic development of such a peculiar region as Dagestan, with its motley ethnic picture.

I. F. Pavlyukov (Agapov) – the forgotten leader of Tsaritsyn’s Bolsheviks in the October Revolution of 1917

The article is devoted to the study of the life path and revolutionary activity of Ivan Fedorovich Pavlyukov (Agapov), the undeservedly forgotten leader of the Tsaritsyn Bolsheviks. He came to the leadership of the Bolshevik faction in the local organization of the RSDLP in JulyAugust 1917 during the imprisonment of S. K. Minin and Ya. Z. Erman. It was he who led the creation and arming of the Red Guard detachments, and then the establishment of Soviet power in Tsaritsyn. The leadership of the RCP(B) accused him of indecision. S. K.

Forms of charitable activities of the Saratov Zemstvo: Social protection of childhood (1870–1910s)

The article presents a case study of one of the important and least researched areas of self-government bodies’ social policy – charitable activities of the Zemstvo in Saratov province. The main attention is paid to the forms of childhood protection and the process of building up a system of Zemstvo’s assistance to orphans and children left without parental care. The paper places a significant focus on the history of creation of the Zemstvo’s orphanage and other institutions of social care for foundlings.

XIX century studies on the settlement of the Saratov Volga region

Since the middle of the 19th century, Russian historians paid great attention to the settlement of the Russian peasantry. Saratov local history experts took the study of this process in the Lower Volga region as one of their main tasks in the last decades of the 19th century. Modern historiography has not noted the importance of their works on the problem of colonization. The content of the papers by the SSAC members and the unpublished monograph by A. N.

Golden Steward Vasily Grigorievich Fefilatiev

From the XV century in the Russian state, an award for certain military merits is known in the form of rewarding those who distinguished themselves, or those who participated in a particular military campaign, with gilded silver or gold coins. The Moscow Kremlin Museums keep a gold award with an owner’s inscription stating that it was granted in 1639/40 to the stolnik Vasily Grigorievich Fefilatiev. This is the oldest personalized Russian award to date. It was possible to establish that the gold was awarded for the Saratov service in 1636.

Development of a Network of Rural Settlements of the Saratov Area in the End of 1950–1970

In clause evolution of a network of rural settlements of the Saratov area for the historical period between censuses 1959 and 1979 is analyzed. The author marks, that the tendencies of development of the system of rural moving of the Saratov area per 1950–1970 were reduction of number of small rural settlements: first of all farms and villages, integration of settlements, growth of number of villages and settlements. Finally these processes rendered essential influence on an agrarian policy in which there was a support by the state of large settlements on village. 

Anti-Fascist Movement of Prisoners of War in the West Siberian Camps of the NKVD-MVD USSR and its Role in Organizing the Labor Process

Anti-fascist movement had a significant impact on the productivity of prisoners in Western Siberia in the postwar years. Camp Division Administration placed great hopes on the anti-fascist committees to build skills in an environment of war high labor and the growth of its efficiency, reduction of occupational injuries, illnesses and deaths; expose the saboteurs, wreckers, instigators, participants in the underground formations and groups.
