Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

The impact of the “Gorky” method of housing construction on large Soviet city space development in the second half of the 1950s (On the example of Saratov)

The article analyzesthe implementation ofthe practice of housing construction bythe “Gorky”method in Saratov duringthe Khrushchev housing reform. It is concluded that housing construction using this method was a temporary measure to mitigate the housing crisis that existed then in the USSR and in Saratov in particular.

Saratov village during the Great Patriotic War: The mobilization policy of the state and the practice of survival

The article examines the state of agriculture and the financial situation of rural residents of the Saratov region during the Great Patriotic War from the point of view of the mobilization model of the Soviet economy. The specific indicators and ways of implementing the state policy in the region to maximize the mobilization of human, logistical, food and financial resources of the village in the interests of the army, the impact of this factor on the livelihoods of the population are analyzed.

Formation and development of the state healthcare system in Tsaritsyn – Stalingrad province in the 1920s

The article analyzes the issues of organization of medical care for the population of Tsaritsyn – Stalingrad province in the 1920s. The difficulties of the health authorities in reducing infectious diseases, improving the quality of medical care, as well as the actions and measures taken by them to develop state medicine were noted. The article is based on archival materials introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. 

Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate in the Saratov governorate: Social and political practice (1920s)

Using the example of the Saratov governorate, the activity of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspectorate bodies aimed at finding the optimal model of control organization in a Soviet-type society is investigated. Techniques and methods directly or indirectly related to the involvement of workers in this work are analyzed on the material of archival sources. It is shown to what extent this practice corresponded to the course of the party and the government to attract citizens to the governance of the state.

“The Krivolutchie schismatics use violence the most…”: About the formation of the same faith in the Nikolaevsk district of the Samara province (1850–1860s)

Onthe basis of archivalmaterials,the article examinesthe initial period oftheformation ofthe “secular” coreligionism inthe Nikolaevsk district after its incorporation into the Samara province. The accession of the Old Believers to the ROC was carried out by bureaucratic methods, which subsequently led to the repeated deviation into the split of the majority of newly minted coreligionists.

Voevoda Alexey Panteleevich Chirikov: Pages of biography

The article for the first time presents a detailed biography of the governor of Saratov, Alexei Panteleevich Chirikov. In his youth, this serviceman from his homeland became the steward of Patriarch Filaret, then a solicitor, and then the tsar’s steward. After serving in Saratov, he participated in the campaign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich to Riga, was a voivode in Glukhov and Pereyaslavl Yuzhny. 

Voivode Stepan Vasil’evich Chemesov – Saratov fortress builder (1630–1631)

In the article are the unknown aspects of the left bank of Saratov associated with being in this city voivode Stepan Vasil’evich Chemesov and building of a new fortress. First is a detailed biography of this figure of the Time of Troubles, which participated in the Volok’s defense from the Poles, in the fighting near Tikhvin and Putivl. Author traces the further destiny of this man, who in 1630 led the building of a new Saratov fortress


The article describes the unknown pages of the early history of Saratov. First names of some of the voivodes of the city are given

A new document about the protohistory of the city of Samara

The article covers the analysis of a document dedicated to protohistory of the city of Samara. It is an attempt to identify a before unnamed Siberian tsarevna and her son as mentioned in the source. The author tries to take a fresh look at the matrimonial policy of Khan Kuchum as well as some events of the Time of Trouble

Russian government policy in Kalmykia in the second half XIX – early XX century

The author considers the trustee system of Kalmykia management that was formed since the mid XIX century. It was a reflection of the Government's policy that was directed to replace national authorities by unified empire-wide authority and control. It is concluded that the produced then in the second half of the XIX – early XX century transformation isn’t the radical reconstruction and was the continuation and development of state traditions  in the non-Russian management.   
