Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

Authority and moral state of society in post-war period (1946-1953): regional aspect

The article gives the analysis of moral state of society, increased self-consciousness of the  nation-winner, ideological campaigns and relations between the state and the church in the region, commitment of the party and public administration to former methods of government on the basis of archive documents and local periodicals.

Why and how I became the historian?

Memories of Professor Anatoliy Avrus are devoted his way in historical science. He tells how he became interested in history and why did he join the history department of Saratov State University. He shares his own experience of choosing topics for research, writing dissertations and working in archives. The author gives some advice to young researchers who start their way in historical science

Cultural Innovation among Saratov Province Merchants in late XVIII - first half of the XIX century

Late XVIII and early XIX centuries saw the attraction to cultural innovations among Russian merchants manifested in the fact that wealthy merchants sought to join the westernized culture of the nobility. Of all the cities of Saratov province of that period only Volsk merchants could acquire some aspects of aristocratic culture due to their wealth.

Garrison units of Kazan military district in fight for Soviet ascention to power

Article focused on participation of military units from Kazan-region  military reserve, deployed for protection of Soviet power in the Volga and Ural regions

The Dynamics of Social and Class Structure of University Students in Saratov during 1920s

The article devoted to the dynamics of change in the social class of university students in Saratov during 1920s. The author analyzes the connection between changes in the social structure and government resolutions

The story of one evacuation: orphanage №1 for Spanish kids in the village Kukkus

The article is based on the unknown documents and memoirs considers the evacuation of the orphanage № 1 for Spanish kids to the village Kukkus (now – Village Privolgskoe of Rovensky district of  Saratov region). The author is analyzing  the work of the administration of the orphanage. The article examines the difficulties  that the kids  and the staff faced at the new place during the war. The article mostly focuses on the problem what was done to improve living conditions of the kids. 

Saratov voivode the prince Ivan the Big Fedorovich Shahovskoy (1637-1639)

The article describes the unknown pages of the left bank of Saratov connected with voivode’s the Big Ivan Fedorovich Shahovskoy staying in the city, and Holstein embassy, whose secretary was Adam Oleary. These ambassadors returned from Persia to Moscow in 1638 through Astrakhan and Saratov.

First is a detailed biography of prince Ivan Shahovskoy who was voivode in many cities in Russia (Tsarevosanchursk, Ryl'sk, Tomsk, Saratov and Nizhny Novgorod).

«New Saratov Chronicle» about the events of 1616–1641 years in the Saratov

The article describes the unknown pages of history of Saratov all over a quarter century, since the restoration of the city at the end of the Time of Troubles on the left bank of the Volga. First a detailed chronology of all of the currently known events that took place in this city for years 1616-1641 is presented, and characteristic of "Saratov Chronicle" made up 120 years ago, and indicate the main sources on the history of this period of Saratov

Economic development of german Сolonies on the Volga river in the second half of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries

This article deals with the first stages of formation of German colonies on the Volga river in the second half of the 18th – the first half of the 19th centuries. The colonization policy of the government consisted of the whole system of well-thought means and decrees that tended to spread on all sides of internal life of colonists.

Claass Epp’s Mennonite Migration Activities in Saratov Wolga Region (1850–1854)

The article deals with the history of Mennonite migration in Saratov Wolga Region through the prism of Claass Epp’s activities. The article bases on archival documents and historical sources of personal origin – diaries, letters, memoirs and etc.
