Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

Protection of Labour in 1953–1985 (according to the Data of the Lower Volga Region)

This paper is devoted to the analysis of the main directions in the labour protection policy at the industrial factories of the Saratov Region in the period of Khushchev’s and Brezhev’s reforms. This study is based on the vast set of factual materials from the archives, published sources, and periodical press.

Peculiarities of Organizing Agricultural Labor and Production in Saratov Region (1965–1975)

The process of organizing agricultural labor and production in Saratov region on the basis of technical modernization and training of industrial personnel is considered in the article. The analysis is based on regulatory documents, archives, statistics and periodicals. 

The peasantry of Central Russia during the First World War (1914 – the February of 1917)

The article is devoted to the interaction of the peasantry of Central Russia and the government during the First World War (1914–1918). The military period was favorable for the Russian village in its struggle for the country’s land fund. The war, bringing forth inevitable hardships and difficulties, did not, however, damage the Russian agriculture severely. Using different ways of putting pressure on the government, by the February of 1917 the peasantry was ready for the implementation of their hopes, especially in the form of the «Black Partition ».

The Famine and the Mennonite village of the Volga region in the 1920s

The article deals with the history of the Mennonite village life in the Volga Region at the beginning of the XX century, as seen through the prism of the first years of the Soviet power and the Volga region famine of 1921. This article is based on archival documents and historical sources of personal origin – diaries, letters, memoirs, etc.

Religious life in the Saratov Volga region in the 1930s.

The paper investigates the multi-faith religious life of the population of the Saratov region in the 1930s. Anti-church policy of the state has carried out since 1917, but in the early 1930s. sharply intensified, accompanied by mass lawlessness and repression. Defeating the church to the middle of the 1930s., The Bolshevik government was not able to destroy the religious life, which lasted semi-legally and illegally, in spite of persecution and repression.

The Housing policy of the Soviet state in 1953–1985 (based on the data of the Lower Volga region)

In this article, the main directions of the housing policy in the Lower Volga region in 1953-1985, in the period of Khurshchev’s and Brezhnev’s reforms, are analyzed. The article is based on the data from the archives and periodical press.

The heritage of Ukek – in the focus of attention of the Saratov tatar community

This article presents the scientific and organizational activity of the Regional Tatar National and Cultural Autonomy of the Saratov Region in saving the rich historical and cultural heritage of one of the most important cities of the Golden Horde, and in the involvement of this heritage in the humanitarian resource of the future of Saratov and the region

Pristine Saratov (1590-1609): the historiography of the question

The article considers the unknown pages of the history of Saratov during the first twenty years after the foundation of the city, the characteristic of the "Saratov Annals", composed 120 years ago is given. The main studies concerning this period of Saratov’s history are discussed in detail and their shortcomings are indicated.

The history of the original Saratov in 1590–1604 years: the characteristics of sources and the chronology of events (before the Time of Troubles)

The article describes the the unknown pages of the history of Saratov during the first fifteen years since the founding of the city. The sources of the history of this period of Saratov are discussed in detail. Particular attention is paid to the sources of wintering in Saratov Persian embassy of Perkula Bek. 

Public health service development in the USSR in the second half of the 1950s – the first half of the 1960s (based on the data of the Lower Volga region)

The paper is devoted to the analysis of special medical care becoming an indispensible part of daily life of the Lower Volga region during Khrushchev`s and Brezhnev’s Soviet reforms.

This article is based on the vast set of factual materials from the archives, published sources and periodical press.
