Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

Kalmaks of Desht-i-Kipchak (to the problem tyurkization and the islamiza-tion of mongolians in the gold horde)

It is now believed that the name «Kalmyks» was concerned with Oyrats who came to the territory of Kazakhstan in the early 17th century. Russian and Western European documents write about Kalmaks since the fifteenth century. New data show that in Russia they knew about Kalmaks from personal contacts with them. The name “Kalmak” existed and was often used in Russia in the XVI century. West European travellers and geographers Jenkinson (1558), A.Vid (1537), S. Gerbersteen (1526), M. Mekhovskiy (1521), Fra-Mauro (1459), A. Contarini (1475) etc.

Secret Police Control over Regional Bureaucracy: the Practices of Kazan Province 1826–1861 s.

Article examines the powerful mechanism of self-regulation in the Russian Empire 1826–1860-ies. The object of study is the information potential materials gendarmerie correspondence. His analysis allowed us to trace part of the gendarmerie headquarters staff officers of the problem of the provincial bureaucracy.

Social context of modernization processes in Saratov Volga in the late XIX – early XX centuries

The article discusses the social component of the modernization process in the Saratov Volga in the late XIX – early XX centuries within the bourgeois and socialist development model. The author analyzes the social structure of urban society, change of mentality and behavior of people, defines the "human side" of modernization

Assistance from Podillya to the victims of starvation in 1921–1923 in Povolzhie

The article is focusing on Soviet authority measures on establishing of the committees’ network on assistance to the victims of starvation in 1921-1923 on Podillya. There is analyzed propaganda and organizational activity of on mobilization of people for collecting of products and money. The article investigates practice of introduction and penalties of “hungry” rations from unemployed population in cities and small cities, reaction of their citizens and authority’s actions. 

Theoretical Training of Senior Executives of the Lower Volga Region in the First Years of Post-War Period

The article analyzes the changes in the system of training and retraining of senior executives of the Lower Volga Region in the first years of post-war period, which improved the quality of governance of state and economic bodies and also allowed to avoid dissent in the party and society.

Crown Prince Alexander Nikolayevich’s Visit to Saratov in 1837 in the Context of Cultural Communications Between the Capital and Provincial Cities of Russia

The 19th century saw the royalty’s travel around Russia as part of Crown Prince preparation to the Emperor’s functions. In 1837, Crown Prince Alexander Nikolayevich came to Saratov during his travel across the country. Crown Prince and his retinue met with the local establishment: gentry, officials and officers. Seeing the future Emperor was a very important event for Saratov gentry. The Crown Prince voyage promoted cultural ties between the capital and provincial cities of Russia.

PROFESSOR FRANZ BALLOD (To the 95th anniversary of Saratov University first archaeological expedition)

The paper deals with scientific, pedagogical and museum activities of F.V. Ballod who was a professor at Saratov State University for nearly five years (1918–1923). The paper is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the first archaeological expedition organized and accomplished by  Saratov State University in June 1919 at the Uvek settlement. The expedition was led by professor Ballod.

Crime in Saratov during the New Economic Policy

Crime during the new economic policy as a social-legal phenomenon, tendencies of its development, quantitative and qualitative characteristics are analyzed in the article. It is shown that in the first half of the 1920s violent actions such as banditry and crime committed against the person dominated.

Participation of Saratov Students in the Village Patronage during the 1920s

The article is devoted to the problem of taking village under students’ patronage. The guidelines of this work are considered. The author supposes that the main purpose of the village patronage in the 1920s was gathering information for the government.

Incomes and Consumption of Saratov Region Population during World War II (1941–1945)

The article describes the factors that influenced the level of life and material position of Saratov region urban and rural population in the military conditions of 1941-1945. The problems of receiving incomes from different sources, taxation, the system of state and individual food and primary necessities supply are considered.
