Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история и международные отношения

The American political class and the international agenda: Common and special in the context of the 2024 elections

The article is devoted to the study of the views of politicians within the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States on the basic problems of American foreign policy. The main focus is on a comparative analysis of such problems as the current state and future of the globalization, US trade and industrial policy, boundaries of using the military force, strategy of “pivot to Asia”, relations with allies, climate change.

Conceptual basis of the Arctic strategy of the Trump administration

Adhering to the problem-thematic method of presenting the material when studying intra-system changes occurring in the Arctic subsystem of international relations atthe presenttime,the authorfocused on specific aspects: Washington’smilitary strategy, nature and natural resources, environmental, socio-economic problems, development of mineral deposits in complex natural conditions, agricultural problems, medical-biological and sanitary-hygienic areas.

Collaboration of the countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations (Australia, Canada, New Zealand) on the issue of preserving the indigenous peoples’ cultural heritage

The article provides an overview of current topics in Russian and foreign research on indigenous issues, on the basis of which the interest and low study degree of collaboration of the British Commonwealth of Nations countries on the issue of preserving the indigenous peoples’ cultural heritage is shown. Using materials from original sources, the article highlights the history of relations among the native peoples and colonists of Australia, Canada and New Zealand in the 18th – 21st centuries.

Trade and economic relations between Armenia and Russia in the post-Soviet period

The article examines the problems and prospects of post-Soviet integration on the example of trade and economic relations between Armenia and Russia. The reasons for Armenia’s accession to the EAEU and at the same time the signing of the Comprehensive and Expanded Partnership Agreement with the EU, which is considered a simplified version of the Association Agreement are analyzed.

The story of liberated Hamburg in the spring of 1814

This article examines the history of the liberation of General L. L. Bennigsen in the spring of 1814 the city-state of Hamburg from soldiers of the Great Army of Napoleon. After a grueling, almost year-long occupation of a crowded city that has survived the destruction of entire districts, the looting of a local bank, the expulsion of part of the local population from the city, an epidemic of typhus, which claimed the lives of several thousand people, the citizens welcomed the Allied Coalition Forces in the vicinity of their city again.

The Ankersmit’s Sublime Experience as a New Basis of Philosophic Anthropology

In this article a new angle gets on the Ankersmit’s ontological theory of sublime historical experience. The conclusion: this theory gives an opportunity for more existentially significant perception of the “gap” experience between the mentality of the man of Ancient world and Modern history. This experience can be taken as a principle for the creation of a new alternative of philosophical anthropology proved historically.

Scipio Africanus and the Title imperator in Politics of the Roman Republic

The study is devoted to the transformation of the concept imperator in the Roman Republic and shows the role of the outstanding general Scipio Africanus in the appearance of the title imperator, as well as it analyses the influence of the Scipionic image on perception of the Roman politicians in the Late Republic.

The Role of Public Schools in Social and Political Life of Victorian England: Eton College

The article deals with the role of public schools in the English educational system of the XIX century. Eton College is one of the largest and highest in prestige public school in England, it was founded by Henry VI in 1441. Many outstanding English statesmen were educated in Eton College. The atmosphere of this elite school is important to understanding the nature of English leadership and consequently the character of English life. The author examines the influence of Eton College on training the British political elite.

The Image of Hussite ́ s Epoch in Satirical Story by S. Czech «New Journey by Mister Brouchek in XV Century»

The article describe the image of Hussite ́ s epoch, which reflect in story by the writer S. Czech. The author discover a spot of this epoch in historical memory of Czech people.

The Ishams’ Family Corporation in London’s Business World in the Second Half of the XVI Century

The article is devoted to one of the most important aspects in England’s history of the second half of the XVI century, in particular, the transformation of the English economy at the beginning of the early Modern Times. The issues of formation and structure of the Ishams’ family corporation which was set up and functioned within the company of the Merchant Adventurers as well as peculiarities of their trade are examined basing on the analysis of «Two Account Books of John Isham».
