Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история и международные отношения

The Battle on the River Boyne in 1690 (based on the English, the Scottish and the Irish Sourses)

The article is devoted to the battle on the river Boyne (July 1, 1690) – one of the largest battles of the War of the League of Augsburg and the largest battle in the history of Ireland. The conflict was caused by a clash between two crowned rivals – James II Stuart, who was overthrown during the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688–1689 in England, and Prince of Orange – statholder of the Netherlands, who seized the British throne and proclaimed himself King William III of Britain.

Political and gender aspects of Mary Tudor’s rise to power and rule

The article examines the conditions of the coming to power of the English Queen Mary Tudor and the peculiarities of her reign, including from the point of view of gender aspects. It is shown that, while condemning Mary I Tudor for her adherence to Catholicism, many historians do not mention the positive aspects of her short reign of England. Mary Tudor came to power at a difficult time for the Kingdom. Having no experience of governing the country, Maria brought the statesmen who had recently opposed her closer to her.

Military command and inertia of consciousness: The Roman warlords in the face of emperor’s power

The article discusses some aspects of the participation of the Roman nobility of the Principate period in providing the military command of the empire. This issue is being investigated in connection with the problem of the inertia of the aristocratic consciousness, which manifested itself in the desire of representatives of the Roman nobility for military glory. It is concluded that the military command in the early Roman Empire, having become an imperial prerogative, continued to be an expression of aristocratic identity.

London Characters in the Painting «Work» by F. M. Brown

The article is devoted to the consideration of how everyday life during the industrial revolution period was reflected in the mid-XIX century English art. Using F. M. Brown’s comment on his painting named «Work», T. Carlyle’s essay «Past and Present», the author analyzes their views on modern life, state and reflex of the relations between different social stratas.

The American Press about the Soviet Russia in 1947

In the present paper the content of the leading American periodicals of different political views about the Soviet Union for 1947 is analyzed. The author explores how and why the popular American periodicals’ attitude has been changed since 1946 and how these changes affected making new images of the recent ally in press. The author used a wide range of periodicals including research one for writing this paper.

The Battle of Midway in the Estimates of the U. S. Press June 4–6, 1942

In article of an estimation of press of the USA of Battle of Midway are analyzed. Specificity this opinions is revealed. Sources of formation of opinions and estimations are considered.

The Ideological and Political Basis of Cooperation and Confrontation Political Forces during the Sanacja Regime in Poland

Article is devoted to policy ideas that were base for cooperation and confrontation between political forces in Poland during the sanacja regime (1926–1939). Identified ideas that could sat-licking certain political forces or lead to their rivalry.

From the History of Creation and Activity of the University of the Chinese Workers in Moscow (1925–1930)

The article is devoted to the history of creation and activity, and also distinctive features of the University for Workers of China, existing in Moscow in 1925–1930. The political, social, educational, age structure of its students is analyzed. The wide range of the sources is involved, some archival materials are introduced in a scientific turn for the first time.

To a Question of Formation of the Case of War Correspondents in Russian-Turkish War 1877–1878

In article process of formation of the case of military men correspondents in East crisis of the middle of 70th of XIX-century is considered sights of Russian correspondents at the reasons and a course of Russian–Turkish war 1877–1878 as parallels in history between Russia and Balkan States are spent Understand.

The Portrayal and Place of Eastern City in the Papers of English Travelers, Late 16 – Early 17 Centuries

In the present papers there is analysis of different views presented in the English travel writings. The purpose was to show what early modern English perceptions of ‘Eastern’ cities and their inhabitants as ‘another’ culture were. The author analyzes the constants making an image of east Eastern city, and reveals the mechanism of designing of ‘another’ space by the English travellers. In the article the common and specific things in their perception of different countries is emphasized.
