Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история и международные отношения

Medieval history of Slaves in scientific-pedagogical activity T.N. Granovsky

The author of this article examine the evaluation of famous Russian historian  T.N. Granovsky (1813 — 1855)  of historical role Slavic peoples and define his contribution in study of history of Western Slaves in the Middle Ages.

Realization of the american strategy of "distribution of democracy” by means of settlement of regional conflicts during the R. Reagan’s second presidential term

In the article application of the American strategy of “distribution of democracy” as ideological registration of actions of the USA on settlement of regional conflicts is considered. The variation between military and not military components of this strategy is shown.

Modern Stage of Cooperation between the USA and Colombia

This article analyzes the newest period of the US-Colombian cooperation. The author investigates «Plan Colombia» adopted by B. Clinton administration and its impact on the U.S. policy in Latin America

European vector of Turkish foreign policy

The article focuses on the issue of Turkey’s EU accession. It examines the main problems and prospects of Turkish integration with the EU. It also presents the reforms of Turkish government with a view to match the Copenhagen Criteria and the attitude of European politicians towards the accession of Turkey to the European Union

The “Great Game” in the Caspian Region: the Kremlin’s Move (2004)

The article is devoted to the study of the Russian-American relations in the Caspian region that were entitled “The Great Game”. Analyzing one of the stages of these relations (spring-autumn 2004) that was marked by the higher activity of the V. Putin’s Government, the author has come to the conclusion that “the Kremlin offensive” was stipulated by the presidential campaign in the USA, and the necessity to oppose the China’s penetration into Central Asia.

The «Islamic awakening» and the «Arab Spring»: Iran's foreign policy doctrine

This article analyzes the theoretical concept of "Islamic awakening," proposed by the leader of the Islamic Revolution Ali Khamenei for the interpretation of the events of the "Arab Spring" in the Middle East. Based on the study of statements Khamenei, analyzes the theoretical basis of the doctrine of foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the present stage for regional security cooperation and pan-Islamic

Impeachment against Clarendon and its significance for political life of the Age of Restoration

In the 1667 former Lord Chancellor Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon was impeached by the House of Commons. Having carefully analyzed the text of the blame the author comes to conclusion that the charge was fabricated and pursued two main aims: firstly, it was directed to destroy a reputation of Clarendon and thereby negate his influence in the House of Lords, secondly, it was directed to blamed him for mistakes of the government and so legitimated the current power.

About a position of leaders of the USA on oil cooperation with Saudi Arabia in 1943

The article examines approaches of the American authorities to questions of providing the state with a strategic raw material – oil, in the specific conditions of World War II. This evidence revealed  the different approaches of the heads of ministries and departments to Saudi Arabia. The author reveals the role of U.S. business to strengthen political and economic cooperation with the oil emirate. This article demonstrates that a thorough analysis of documents opens up new possibilities for the study of US-Saudi relations in the abovementioned period.

Turkey, Iran, USA and the Iraq Crisis of 2003 year

In article are analyzed the specificity of relations between Turkey, Iran and the USA on the eve, during Iraq war and after. Thus the author gives the big attention to consideration of turkish and Iranian tools of crisis reaction to address of this conflict, and also touches a kurdish question which aggravation was direct investigation of the american intervention.

The Struggle of the «Old» and «New» Patricians in London in the Last Quarter of the 14th Century

The article is devoted to the struggle of the «old» and «new» patricians in London at the end of the 14thcentury. At that time the guild masters, led by the traders of textile goods, opposed the oligarchic merchant regime ofvictualing guilds. In 1381‑1383 the democratic opposition gained the upper hand, and their leader –a draper John Northampton ‑ became mayor of the capital. He organized socio-economic and political reforms in the interests of wide layers of the population.
