Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история и международные отношения

The American Technical Assistance: the Experience and Lessons for the "Point-4" (the First half of the XX century)

The article is devoted to the study of the forming of the theoretical and practical basis of the American assistance program for underdeveloped countries during the first part of XX century, which was called the «Point Four». Besides, the strategic context, in which the forming of the program took place, is also analyzed.

The Iranian Plot. Re-reading I.M. Maisky heritage

In this article, I.M. Maisky’s involvement in the elaboration of a joint USSR and Great Britain position concerning Iran in the summer of 1941 is considered, based on his memoirs, diaries and correspondence. 

The English Historians of the 1990s on English labour movement in 1918–1920

This article analyzes the works of the English historians of the end of the XX century concerning the English working class movement of 1918 – 1920. The author marks some differences of tendencies in Russian and British historiography and of the working class movement’s problems.

The Reforming of the fuel-and-energy complex as the key factor of the Chinese modernization in the second half of the 20th century

This paper explores the events of the PRC’s modernization of the 1970-80s, the driving force of which was the Chinese energy sector. For better understanding of the unfolding changes the research provides a comparative analysis of the Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping political systems with its key difference lying in the established process of governmental decentralization in the energy sector. The study focuses on the reform of the coal and oil industries.

The “coin propaganda” in the Late Roman Republic

The article is devoted to the issue of the directions of the "coin propaganda" in the Late Roman Republic and the estimation of its effectiveness. The author concludes that the images and legends of the coins changed in accordance with any turns of the Roman Republic leaders’ policy. This means that the coins served not only financial, but also certain ideological purposes.

The Internal Policy of the Early Arsacids

The article dwells upon the relations between the early Arsacids and the Greek and Iranian population of Parthyene and Hyrcania. It is noted that during the rule of Arsaces I and his immediate successors their power in this region was a kind of military occupation. It is concluded that it was only during Phraates I and Mithridates I  reign that the conflict with the local population was settled, and the conditions for rapid growth of the power of the Parthian state were provided.

English Diplomacy and Diplomats in the Ottoman Empire (the Beginning of Cooperation)

The article deals with the activity of the first English ambassadors in Istanbul. The mission of London’s diplomatic representatives in the Ottoman Empire, at the peak of its prosperity, is described by the author in close connection with the regional interests of the English Levant Company.


В статье исследуется вопрос о направлениях пропаганды противников Гая Юлия Цезаря. Автор приходит к выводу, что сенатской оппозиции, лишенной возможности реально направлять политику Рима, удалось объединиться и выдвинуть политический лозунг восстановления государственного строя, освященного обычаями предков. Однако пропаганда заговорщиков затронула только верхние слои общества и оказалась бессильной повредить имидж Цезаря в общественном мнении.


В статье изучается влияние иранского посредничества в Карабахском конфликте на ирано-азербайджанские отношения. Анализируя мотивы Ирана, побудившие его принять на себя посреднические функции, и его непосредственные действия, автор отвечает на вопрос, каков оказался вклад Тегерана в урегулирование карабахского конфликта, и как это сказалось на ирано-азербайджанских отношениях. Особое внимание уделяется роли Армении в рассматриваемых событиях. 

The Image of the Russian Empire in the columns of «The Edinburgh Review» during 1802–1812.

The author of this article studies the images of the Russian Empire in periodicals «The Edinburgh Review» in the period from 1802 to 1812. Particular attention is paid to the space-climatic, Potestarian images and stereotypes of foreigners about Russian society.
