Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2018, Vol. 18, iss. 2

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Отечественная история
Tarabrin S. Y.
Church and Political Activities of Rostov Bishop Kirill after the Mongol Invasion
Zaytsev M. V.
Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire and the First and Second State Dumas: Interaction in the Legislative Sphere
Gumenyuk A. A.
Social Development Strategy in the Soviet Union in the Second Half of the 1950s – the Middle of the 1980s: Stages of Policy-making and Implementation Mechanisms
Всеобщая история и международные отношения
Choref M. M.
On the Possibility and Prospects of Deciphering Monograms on the Anonymous Obols of the Bosporus Coinage
Kiryukhina E. М.
The Everyday Life of Women and Children in England in the Second Half of XIX – the Beginning of XX Century in the Paintings of Contemporary Artists
Bespalova L. N.
The Use of Social Maneuvering Tactics of the German Reich Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in the Second Half of the XIX Century
Yakubova L. А.
The Lisbon Strategy of 2000 Implementation and the Formation of a Unified Model of the European Union’s Social Policy
Региональная история и краеведение
Matiev T. H.
The Role of the Mozdok Congress of the Terek Peoples in Establishing a Political Union between Ingushetia and the Bolsheviks
Polozova I. V.
Old-believers’ Regional Tradition: the Similarities and the Differences (the History of Old-believers’ Communities in the Saratov Region)