Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Mosolkina Tatyana Valentinovna

Mosolkina Tatyana Valentinovna's picture
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профессор кафедры истории средних веков

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Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Mosolkina T. V. Everyday Life of England in Fiction and Historical Sources of the XIV–XV Centuries
Mosolkina T. V. Social and Economic Development of York in the First Third of the 16th Century
Mosolkina T. V. Struggle for Power Among the English City Elite in the XIV– XV Centuries
Mosolkina T. V. «Деловые люди» Лондона XIV–XVI веков
Mosolkina T. V. Город Йорк и англо-шотландские противоречия во второй половине XV века
Mosolkina T. V., Chernova L. N. Book Review: Boldyreva I. I. A woman in Anglo-Saxon society in the end of IX – the middle of XI centuries: social status and literary image
Mosolkina T. V. Crime in the English medieval town in the last third of XV century (based on the materials of the city of York)
Mosolkina T. V. Climatic anomalies in England second half XVII centuries
Mosolkina T. V. Cultural and Intellectual Life of an English City of an Epoch of Restoration in Perception of Contemporaries
Mosolkina T. V. Private Collecting in England in Second Half XVII Century as the Form of Historical Memory
Mosolkina T. V. The relation to Catholics in England in Restoration