Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2016, Vol. 16, iss. 1

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Отечественная история
Shuvaev D. A.
Land use rationalization in estates of the Tambov gentry Davydovs at the end of the XVIII – the beginning of the XX century
Zhirov N. A.
The Microdemography Analysis of Peasant Morality in Oryol Village at the Beginning of ХХ Century
Pozdnyakov A. N.
Russian history textbooks in evaluations of the "Journal of the Ministry of national education" (end of XIX – beginning of XX centuries)
Antimonov M. Y.
On the verge of the survival: youth in conditions social and economic crisis of the 1930th.
Всеобщая история и международные отношения
Sabitova L. R.
British Eastern Policy: from the Carlowitz Congress to the Beginning of the French Revolution
Korenev E. S.
The first stage of NATO’s regional strategy elaboration in the context of geopolitical changes in the first half of 1990s.
Lapenko M. V.
The external contour of the EAEU: the potential for enlargement and the search for optimal mechanisms of interaction
Региональная история и краеведение
Rabinovich Y. N.
The history of the original Saratov in 1590–1604 years: the characteristics of sources and the chronology of events (before the Time of Troubles)
Lukoyanova M. A.
Social-economic development of district towns of Saratov region in 1780-s - early 1800-s.
Kochukov S. A.
The national liberation movemen in the Balkans and Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878 the newpaper «Saratov data sheet»
Jakovleva Z. V.
Fighting church on the site in 1930: On the behavior of the Party and Soviet functionaries of the grass-roots level managers and ordinary believers
Gumenyuk A. A.
Daily world of the obstetric institution in Lower Volga region in second half 1950 – first half 1980th years
Kabytov P. S.
Regional Refraction of Modern Approaches to the study of the History of Public Education in Russia