Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Mius Campaign of Palatine A. P. Saltykov of 1698

The article reconstructs the history of the campaign of the Ryazan Razryad Regiment (Discharge Corps) in the North-Eastern Azov Sea area – the most poorly studied operation of the Russian-Turkish War of 1686–1699 based on the archival material. The specific dates of the campaign, the number and composition of the troops participating in it, their exact route is determined. The goals of the military expedition were to protect the region and build a port and a fortress on the northern coast of the Azov Sea.

Политика привлечения иностранного предпринимательского капитала С. Ю. Витте в англо-американской историографии

В статье показано, что политика привлечения иностранных инвестиций С. Ю. Витте стала вызывать существенный интерес исследователей только во второй половине 20 века, когда были предприняты попытки преодолеть тоталитарную модель в изучении российской истории. До этого подавляющая часть внимания уделялась вопросам проведения индустриализации в отсталой стране усилиями только одной деспотической центральной власти. К 1960-1970-м годам исследователи начинают обнаруживать новые факторы, которые участвовали в развитии общества. Среди них был иностранный капитал.

Key aspects of military everyday life of tank soldiers during the Great PatrioticWar (On the example of the 50th and 51st tank brigades)

The article deals with such aspects ofmilitary everyday life ofthe 50th and 51sttank brigades duringthe Great Patriotic War as problems of nutrition, clothing allowance, sanitary and hygienic conditions and housing. The source base of the study was the documents of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, methodological manuals, as well as memories of veterans. The conclusion about the importance of solving these issues in a comfortable, as far as possible, arrangement of life for tank soldiers is formulated.

On the threshold of the Great Terror: Deacon of the Old Believers Ivan Afanasievich Vlasov and the case of the Moscow Neocircular Old Believers clergy of 1937

The article examines the mechanism of political repression against believers by the example of the case of the Moscow neocircular Old Believer clergy. The central figure of the article is the deacon of the Old Believers prayer Ivan Afanasievich Vlasov as a characteristic type of clergyman of the 1930s, a peasant by origin, who was arrested during collectivization, but did not change his faith.

The problem of the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Soviet state in the 1920–1930s

The article clarifiesthe gold andforeign exchange capabilities ofthe Soviet state, analyzesthe process offormation and use bythe Soviet government of gold-platinum funds of the state budget. On the basis of archival material, the state of the gold reserve, sources of replenishment, and the expenditure of foreign exchange resources are analyzed. The ways of accumulation and export of precious metals from the country, creation of public finances and maneuvering with the available resource are revealed.

In memoriam. Professor K. A. Koperzhinsky: “My father was first a teacher of ancient languages, then he became a priest”

This article presents the results of a study that made it possible to specify not only little-known facts from the history of Professor K. A. Koperzhinsky’s family but also those social and historical circumstances that led to the appearance of the clichéd formulation “my father was first a teacher, then he became a priest” in the autobiographical questionnaires of the post-revolutionary period.

The concept of “brutalization” of society and its possibilities for analyzing the Great Russian Revolution

The article analyzesforeign historiography onthe problem of “brutalization” of society afterthe First World War. In particular,the works of historians of Western European universities, which do not have publications in Russian, are considered. The author attempts to correlate the conclusions of foreign researchers about the impact of the First World War on the “coarsening” of European society with the events that took place in Russia after 1917.

N. A. Milyutin’s “Comments” on the article “Aristocracy and the interests of the nobility”

N. A. Milyutin’s “Comments” on the article “Aristocracy and the interests of the nobility. Thoughts and remarks on the peasant issue” by V. P. Bezobrazov reveal an under-reported episode of government policy in the field of the press during the development of peasant and local selfgovernment reforms. Consideration of V. P.

Description of the Kolomna Diocese of 1701–1702 according to the data of assault, litter and paper clips in the census books

The article aims to find out how the census of 1701–1703 took place in the Kolomna diocese and to establish who took part in the practical conduct of the census events organized by the Monastery Order during the initial stage of the church reform of Peter I. The main attention is paid to the study of entries on the sheets of the census books of the Kolomna Episcopal House and monasteries of the Kolomna diocese.


The author considers the problem of the relationship between the command of the Czechoslovak Corps and the Soviet authorities on the delivery of weapons, skipping echelons in beijing on the eve of the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps. We study the formation, operation mechanism of the system, the basic contradictions that arise in the course of its activities and attempts to resolve them, undertaken between March and May 1918
