Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Philosophical concept A. S. Kaisarov the peasant question (based on dissertation «Serfs exemption in Russia»)

In the article the philosophical position of an outstanding representative of the scientific concept of aristocratic intellectuals Alexander era AS Kaisarov the peasant question in Russia. The research is based on an analysis of the views of the author, and description of the humanist position Kaisarov, based on the evidence of his thesis "On the emancipation of the serfs in Russia".

Popularization the image of Peter the Great in the context of the russian-german dialogue (1870s)

The article is dedicated to popularization the image of Peter the Great, among the reading public and the role in this process historians A.G. Brikner and K. von Weber.

«Russia from the Pen of a Remarkable Man»: V. P. Meshchersky's Letters to the Grand Prince Alexander Alexandrovich from the Business Trips in Russia

The description of V. P. Meshchersky's business trips in Russia (1867–1868) contained in his letters to the Grand Prince Alexander Alexandrovich is analyzed in the article. The research reveals the possibility of using this historical source on the study of the social and political role of the Russian travelogues created by the Russian conservatism ideologists.


Since the early 1880-s on the pages of periodical magazines there appeared analytical reviews of materials and results of zemstvo statistical work. Their authors were both zemstvo statisticians themselves and economists, agronomists, publicists. A great number of reviews and papers were published by “Vestnik Yevropy” and “Russkoye bogatstvo”. The paper deals with publications dedicated to issues of zemstvo statistics which were published in those magazines.

Atheistic propaganda in the USSR in 1954-1964 (on the materials of the Kursk region)

The article has the goal to investigate peculiarities of the anti-religious propaganda in the Kursk land during N.S. Khrushchev was the general secretary of the Soviet Union. The use of various archives’ information allows discovering main directions of scientific-atheistic education of local population, considering reflection of the whole-union processes on the situation in the Kursk region, estimating results of anti-church soviet power’s activity.

The towns of Low Volga Region during the Interregnum (1610–1613)

This article is devoted to the history of the towns of Lower and Middle Volga in the Time of Troubles during the Interregnum. The author investigates consequences from suppression of riots in the cities of the Volga region during the reign of Basil Shuisky, participation military men from Ponizova Volga in the organization of the First and Second militias


In the article one of the loudest judicial and political processes in Russia in the early XX century is discussed, wherethe Social Revolutionary S. V. Balmashev was sentenced to death penalty (he was son of the famous saratovnarodnik V. A. Balmashev) for the murder of the Minister of Interior D. S. Sipyagina - terrorist attack, which initiated the so-called "Central terror" of the Social Revolutionaries.

Yevno Azef: Provocation And Terror (on materials Extraordinary Investigation Commission of Provisional Government)

The article discusses the phenomenon of one of the most sinister figures of the revolutionary era in Russia, a double agent and provocateur, "architect" terror – EF Azef. By using materials of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry of the Provisional Government, holds a historical and psychological analysis of personality and activity Yevno Azef.

The creation image of “Hero-Terrorist” in the trials of the socialist-revolutionaries in 1905

This article describes a creation the image of "the hero-terrorist" from the members of the Socialist Revolutionary party in litigation in 1905. The analysis of the influence of this image to the Russian culture. The author concludes that the historical doom of political terror and its groundlessness as a means of solving political problems.

The protection of A. N. Potresov and his adherents of their position con-cerning the First World War in August, 1917

The author of this article study a «two-uniform» position concerning the First World War of the one of leaders of Menshevism A. Potresov and his adherents which they had after February Revolution. This position combined a necessity of participation of the Russian Workers for the organization of national defense from the external enemy and a struggle for the conclusion of the just democratic peace. It has found the bright expression during the Unification Congress of Russian Social Democracy and the Kornilov’s action.
