Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Extraordinary Authorities in the Soviet State System

The article describes the extraordinary authorities as a significant element of the Soviet State system in the first decades of its existence. It studies historical, structural and doctrinal grounds of its phenomenon, the activity of extraordinary bodies during the Civil war and the Great Patriotic War. 

Resonance Concession Offers of the «Military communism» Period (1919–1920)

The largest concession offers made by foreign businessmen to the Soviet government during the «military communism» period are considered. Those concession offers are remarkable because they had been made to the Soviet government before the Decree «On the General and Legal Conditions of Concessions» was accepted in Soviet Russia. That decree was also considered as the first harbinger of the Soviet yovemment withdrawal from the «military communism» policy.

From the History of the Officers Training for the Internal Troops of the Interior in Russia

The article gives detailed information of military education in Russia since the 18th century. The author presents the development of military education, the way it suited to different circumstances and the influence of the latter on the process of Russian officers’ professional upbringing. A special attention is given to the commanders of the Internal Troops training. The goals and the tasks of education depending on the political circumstances, the ways they have been solved, are discussed.

Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church from the End of XIX Century till the Beginning of XX Century (on the Example of the Ryazan Eparchy)

In the article some aspects of social service of the Russian Orthodox Church from the end of XIX century to the beginning of XX century are under research: discussion on the research of history of the social service of the Orthodox Church in the historiography of the XX century, the general levels of the social service on the example of the Ryazan eparchy in the same period. The author stresses that the social service of The Orthodox Church in that period got realized in unselfish and unpaid social activity.

«Саратовское дело» Г. Г. Замысловского через призму общественных отношений начала XX века. Право и нравы

Статья посвящена интерпретации материалов «Саратовского дела» в работах известного деятеля русского правого движения Г. Г. Замысловского. В ней рассмотрена роль «Саратовского дела» в пропаганде ряда положений правых по национальному и ряду других вопросов. Особое внимание обращено на ритуальные аспекты в контексте дела Бейлиса, дискуссии по этому вопросу, причины фальсификации фактов Замысловским. Исследован механизм инкорпорирования ритуальной мифологемы в официальное право.

Abstract B. I. Kurakin’s Impressions of Italy

In the reign of Peter I the Great diplomats were not only representatives of Russian interests in the world but were also media of national cultural values dissemination. A vivid example of such experience is Prince B. I. Kurakin. Being in Rome he tried to understand the essence of political and economic arrangements of the society, peculiarities of social development. As the description of Rome was one of the first B. I. Kurakin’s impressions of the West, it was a bit naïve.

The Education Reform of Alexander II: Evaluative Judgments in Historical Writings of the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries

The education reform was an integral part of a set of measures to reform socio-economic and political life in Russia during the reign of Alexander II. The education reform became the subject of scientific research as early as the late XIX – early XX century. The value of these studies lies in the fact that they laid the basis for the historiography of education in Russia.

Censorship Policy of Catherine the Great in 1762–1771

The article considers the first initiatives of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great in question of Censorship. The article gives an account of the state controlling of book printing, book delivery and book banning in the second half of 18th century. The great interest is the analysis of the public opinion in question of Catherine’s censorship reforms.

Organization of work of special hospitals for prisoners of war in the Soviet Union in 1945–1950

The article analyzes the organization of the work of special medical institutions (special hospitals) for seriously ill and wounded prisoners of war in the Soviet Union in 1945–1950. Changes in their number, location and functioning in the post-war period are traced. The results of the work of special hospitals, the annual positive dynamics in the results of treatment of patients due to the improvement in the provision of medical personnel, treatment and diagnostic rooms, the supply of medicines and patient care items are shown.

Repatriation of Soviet citizens by rail (1944–1945)

The article examines the role of railway transport in the repatriation of Soviet citizens at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War and after its end, the main directions of organizational work of the Office of the Commissioner of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars for the Repatriation of Soviet Citizens, its representatives abroad, Military Councils of Fronts and armies, NKPS, local authorities and the Administration for the return of Soviet citizens by rail.
