Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2019, Vol. 19, iss. 1
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Отечественная история
Slavnitsky N. R.
Involvement of Garrison Soldiers into Construction Works in Kronstadt and St. Petersburg in the 1710s and 1720s
Selivonenko A. N.
Russia’s Influence on the Relationship between the Zapoorozhian Sich and the Hetmanate
Os’kin M. V.
Supply of Meat Products to the Front during the First World War: Harvesting Cattle for the Army
Всеобщая история
Mokropolova A. D.
The Formation of the Image of a Saint King in the Scaldic Poetry of the 11th Сentury
Zholudov M. V.
«The Pamphlet War» and the Adoption of the Great Reform Act of 1832 in Great Britain
Razhev A. V.
The Land Forces of Great Britain in the Middle of the 1930s: Problems of Modernization
Международные отношения
Pivovarova E. O.
The Egyptian Policy of the First George Bush Jr. Administration: Formation and Evolution
Nasibova A. S.
From A. Mutalibov to G. Aliyev: Formation of Foreign Policy of Independent Azerbaijan
Sarkulova G. S.
Use of Resources of the Caspian Sea through the Prism of Kazakhstan Interest in the 1990s and Early 2000s
Региональная история и краеведение
Rabinovich Y. N.
Economic Situation in Left-Bank Saratov in the Third Quarter of the 17th Century: Agricultural Activity, Local Civilian Population
Rufin S. M.
The Question of the Legal Status of Religious Sects of Baptists and Adventists in of the Russian Empire at the End of the 19th Century – the Begining of the 20th Century (Based on Saratov’s Province Sources)
Korneluk V. G.
Migration State Policy and the Refugees of the First World War from Belarus in the Saratov Province (1915–1918)
Ishchenko Y. V.
Specialized Medicine in the Villages of the Saratov Region in the Second Half of the 1940s – Early 1950s