Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2014, Vol. 14, iss. 2

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Отечественная история
Zaytsev M. V.
Municipal Statute of 1870 and the municipal government of the German cities: the problem of borrowing elements of the electoral system
Varfolomeev Y. V.
Sunset Russian Empire or image power revolutionary era (on materials Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry provisional Government)
Pankin P. V.
The beginning of the XXth century as the critical moment in the history of the Ural Cossacks: the positing of the problem
Danilov V. N.
The aborigine alteration in the Big World War: suits and deliberations in the historiography of problem
Всеобщая история
Boldyreva I. I.
Old Testament Legend about Judith in the Literary Tradition of Early Medieval England
Hoshko T. D.
The Economic Aspects of the History of Medieval and Early Modern Towns in Modern Ukrainian Historiography
Morozov S. M.
Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and his “History of the Rebellion” in the opinion of English intellectuals of the first half of 18th century
Demchenko E. S.
Health of children employed in a factory production of England in second quarter of the XIX century.
Международные отношения
Lapenko M. V.
New project of the railway Uzbekistan –China and transportation system of Kyrgyzstan
Региональная история и краеведение
Mayorova A. S.
Cultural Innovation among Saratov Province Merchants in late XVIII - first half of the XIX century
Strebkova N. V.
The Dynamics of Social and Class Structure of University Students in Saratov during 1920s
Fernandes A. P.
The story of one evacuation: orphanage №1 for Spanish kids in the village Kukkus