For citation:
Esengul C. Possible implications of Kyrgyzstan`s membership in the Customs Union . Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 89-94. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2014-14-2-89-94
Possible implications of Kyrgyzstan`s membership in the Customs Union
The article analyzes the risks and benefits for Kyrgyz Republic to enter to the Customs Union in the short and long term perspectives. Taking into account the economic situation in the country, the article describes the realistic scenarios of the effects of the Customs Union to economic sectors of the country and different layers of the population. The author also shares his opinion and gives practical recommendations to minimize the negative effects of joining the Kyrgyz Republic to the Customs Union
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Аналитический отчет НИСИ КР «Перспективы участия Кыргызской Республики в Евразийском Экономическом Союзе: плюсы и минусы», сентябрь, 2013.