Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2012, Vol. 12, iss. 4

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Conference «City and Society»
Lebedeva A. A.
Raffelstetten Customs Regulations as a Source of the Great Moravia Trade in the IX–X Centuries
Mayzlish A. A.
Urban Solidarity: Reaction to the Town Revolts in the Low Countries in the XIV – Middle XV Centuries
Mosolkina T. V.
Cultural and Intellectual Life of an English City of an Epoch of Restoration in Perception of Contemporaries
Bukanova R. G.
City-fortress in the System Management of South-eastern Edge of Russia in the VIII Century
Mayorova A. S.
Socio-cultural Environment of Saratov Province District Towns: Fortress-cities in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries
Galyamichev A. N.
E. E. Viollet le Duc and His Place in History of Study of French Towns in the Middle Ages
Kobozeva Z. M.
«Golden Age» of Meschanstvo: Urban Daily Routine of Meschanstvo Estate in the 50–60s of the XIX Century
Krelenko N. S.
«Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette» by P. O. Renoir: Urban Amusements in the Impressionist Art
Zhidchenko A. V.
The Toponymic Landscape of the New District of the City as a Part of the Soviet Policy of Building Communism (on the Materials of Omsk Gorodok Neftyanikov)
Всеобщая история и международные отношения
Kasceev V. I.
Some Traces of the Classical Tradition in the Culture of the Russian Provinces in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century: Ivan F. Sinaisky as a Hellenist in Saratov
Shenin S. Y.
The Clinton Administration and the Formation of the Taliban Regime in Afghanistan (1993–1996)
Отечественная и региональная история
Konovalov I. N.
Theory Cooperation Socialism in the United States, West and Russia at the XIX and the Beginning XX Centuries
Bichekhvost A. F.
Repressive Policy of the Soviet State and Destiny of Prisoners of War of Red Army – Participants of the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939–1940
Markdorf N. M.
The Material and Living Conditions Problems of NKVD– MVD Camps in Western Siberia and their Solutions