Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная и региональная история

«Инвалидные артели как часть промысловой кооперации Астраханской губернии в 1920-е годы»

В статье анализируется деятельность инвалидных артелей в 1920-е гг. на территории Астраханской губернии. На основе архивного материала, впервые вводимого в научный оборот, было выделено две инвалидные артели: «Инрыбак» и «Луч Кооперации». Особое внимание уделяется производственной и культурно-образовательной деятельности, финансовым показателям, кадровому составу, проведен их сравнительный анализ. Показаны причины достижений и неудач, сопровождающих артели на протяжении всего периода существования.

The Formation of Views on National Question of Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganov)

Bishop Hermogenes (Dolganov) – one of the most well-known church figures of Russia at the beginning of 20th century. The author of the article explores the formation of his views on national question since his youth and the period of his service in Georgia (1890s). His national views of 1903–1912, when he served in Saratov, are examined in greater detail. Their unsystemized nature and their contradiction with Hermogenes’ aims as church leader are emerged.

New Facts on Stepan Grigoryevich Shiryayev

In the article these biographies of member Ispolnitelinii Comitet «Narodaja Volia» Stepan Shiryaev (1857–1881) are resulted from archives: Record office of the Sara-tovskoy area (GASO) end Saratovskiy regional museum of study of a particular region (COMK). These information allow to set the new facts of life of Shiryaev, about his activity in Saratov, Petersburg, London.

There Should Be no Blood on the New Sovereign… (K.D. Kavelin’s Reaction to the Events of March 1, 1881)

The report focuses on K.D. Kavelin’s reaction to the events of March 1, 1881, wich is not thoroughly investigated in the historical literature. The report shows the prehistory of Notes at the accession of Alexander III publication, Kavelin’s treatment of M.T. Loris-Melikov activities and revolutionary narodnik movement.

P.V.Annenkov and Russian Liberalism (the Second Half of the 1850-s – the Beginning of the 1880-s.)

Analyzing the letters of P.V. Annenkov to I.S.Turgenev, the author determines his belonging to the circle of Russian liberals of the epoch of  the Great reforms, reveals some peculiarities and moments of evolution of the social and political views of this prominent literary figure.

S. Yu. Vitte and Track of Gaponovschiny in Saratov

In article S.Yu. Vitte’s political activity within the First Russian revolution is considered. Communication S.Ya. Vitte with adventurer G.A. Gapon archival sources from funds of the Saratov archive. The unknown material is submitted to attention of readers earlier.

The year 1928 in professor’s Sergey Nikolaevich Chernov destiny

This article, based on the wide circle of materials which partly were published before and partly put in use first time, deals with a tragic destiny of professor S. N. Chernov (1887–1941). He was one of the first “bourgeois” intellectuals who found himself in the firing line of the communist party and bureaucracy in 1928 because of his highest human and moral merits. Distinguished scientist and pedagogue was unfairly dismissed from his educational work and violently banish from the university as a result of the fierce persecution.

Alexander I and Secret Societies

The article deals with traditional in Russian historiography issue of relationships of Decembrists with the Russian emperor in the context of the myth of secret societies. Alexander I was aware of the existence of secret societies in Russia and considered them as part of a European wide union. Besides, he was convinced that they were supported by some great officers of state and commanders in the empire. Consequently, Alexander I thought it impossible to struggle with world wide conspiracy organizations, which had taken deep root in his state.

This Activiti Russian Politic Agent N.V. Tcharykow in the Bokhara Emirate

This article is about Russian political agent activity N. V. Tcharykow in Bokhara Emirate. We have considered the question in following aspects: Tcharykow’s assistance to geopolitical and economic interests of Russian empire in opposite to Great Britain, Tcharykow’s taking part in railway and post road building and in humane activities like zindane closing, abolition of slavery, «dry law» introducing and others.

V.S. Norov – a ‘Decembrist without December’

The article is about the course of life of a Guards officer, a participant of the Patriotic War of 1812, foreign campaigns of 1813–1814 who was falsely accused of taking part in the activities of secret Decembrists’ societies and undeservedly punished for that.
