Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история

Джованни Агуто – кондотьер на службе итальянских государств

В статье рассматривается военная карьера англичанина Джованни Агуто, капитана наемников, длительное время служившего итальянским городам- государствам Италии и Папской области.

The Legal Status of a Slave in the Early Medieval England

The article is about slavery in the early medieval England, a problem poorly discussed by Russian scholars. Slave’s legal status and capacity are under consideration. The author draws a conclusion that slaves in the Anglo-Saxon society possessed a certain degree of the legal capacity though diminished by comparison to that of the freemen. Slaves bore responsibility for their misdeeds, could have a family and own a property.

Spanish Republican Fleet in 1936 Сampaign

Productive forces placement in Spain in XX c. made the country dependent on the control of the basic naval communications bordering the aquatorium. Military revolt, which broke out in 1936, made the situation even worse. However, it gave the Republic the opportunity to achieve sea superiority. Several failures of the Republican fleet during the first months of the Civil War and government policy of Madrid led to the sea blockade.

I. A. Fessler about the French Revolution: French «Lessons» of German Conservatism

This article is the analysis of the views of German philosopher IA Fessler on the French Revolution. The author analyzes the assessments which Fessler gives to the goals of the revolution, the actions of the revolutionary parliaments, and to the role of the masses. On the example of Fessler, the attitude of conservative German-speaking intellectual elite to the French political experience is examined.

The Native Historiography of Medieval Moravian Cities Development: the History and the Prospects of Studying

The article describes the tradition of studying Moravian cities in native Slavonic studies and concludes the necessity of further researching this issue.

Corinthian and Italo-Corinthian Vases in the «Сatalogue of Classical Antiquities Possessed by Cavaliere Pizzati»

This article deals with one manuscript in the archive of The State Hermitage museum. It is entitled “Catalogo della cospicua collezione de’Vasi antichi Italo-greci, de’ vetri, delle terre cotte e de’ bronzi di proprieta del Sig. Cav. Pizzati”. The piece has been written ca 1833 by the outstanding Neapolitan antiquarian and connoisseur Raffaele Gargiulo. The author of present article considers the entries on the Corinthian and Italo-Corinthian vases.

This is my religious duty”: Ayatollah Khomeini’s political debut in 1962

The article examines the events of October – December 1962 in Iran, related to the discussions that took place in Iranian society on the issue of the election bill, as part of the preparation of the reforms of the “White Revolution of the Shah and the People”. Based on the analysis of Ayatollah Khomeini’s speeches and appeals, his views and approaches to the proposed bill are characterized. Based on the results of the analysis, it is concluded that Ayatollah Khomeini’s approach to the Shah’s initiative is unconstitutional and anti-Islamic.

The Spanish mission of Samuel Hoare (1940–1944)

Based onthematerials ofthememoirs ofthe participants ofthe events andthe business correspondence ofthe embassy withthe British government, the activities of the British ambassador to Spain, Samuel Hoare, who held the post from 1940 to 1944, are considered. It is shown that the effectiveness of his actions grew not only in simultaneously with the success of the allies in the war, but also due to the strengthening of economic cooperation between the two countries.

Robert Southey – Protector of the Church of England

This article is devoted to the study of the position of the Church of England at the turn of the XVIII–XIX centuries, as well as the analysis of the discussions caused by the need for Catholic emancipation. A prominent thinker and publicist of that time, Robert Southey, took a prominent place in these discussions. Discussions about Catholic emancipation revealed problematic contradictions in the political, religious and cultural discourse of the Romantic era in England. 

London and the towns of England in 1350–1370: Socio-economic aspect of their relations

The article examines the directions and forms of socio-economic interaction between London and provincial towns of England in 1350– 1370 based on the material of the original sources. It is shown that the main sphere in their relationship was trade, which was implemented in various organizational forms, with extensive use of commodity and monetary credit. Also, the field for interaction was the return of runaway apprentices who left the masters in London and found refuge in different cities of England.
