Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Всеобщая история

The development of Czech cities in the post-Hussite period as a prerequisite for the emergence of Czech printing

The article attempts to identify the economic prerequisites for the emergence of printing in the Czech Republic. The author analyzes the economic development of Czech cities in the post-Hussite period, analyzes the main privileges that cities were given or confirmed by their owners, as well as the development of crafts and trade in them.

Medieval London during the plague (1348–1351): Some aspects of social life

The article examines certain aspects of the social life of the City during the period of the plague (1348–1351) based on the documentation of the London Magistrate. It is shown that the Black Death dealt the most severe blow to the capital’s guilds, depriving them of workers and temporarily disorganizing production, which affected both the quality of manufactured products and relations inside trade and craft corporations, contributing to their further decline.

The Political Relations of Turkey, Iran and EU: Specificity and Problems

In article are analyzed the modern political relations existing between two influential Muslim states of the Middle East (Turkey and Iran) and by the European Union. Author considers the most important regional problems directly touching these countries.

Warren Christopher and Madeleine Albright about the NATO Enlargement Issue

This article deals with comparison of views on the NATO enlargement of two Secretaries of State in Bill Clinton’s administration – Warren Christopher’s and Madeleine Albright’s ones. Special attention is given to the secretaries’ argumentation of the necessity of the NATO enlargement. The author believes that Christopher’s and Albright’s positions had a bit of differences, but there were not radical divergences on that problem between them.

Opinion Poll of U.S. Citizens as Source Studying of Pearl Harbor Attack

In article of an estimation of citizens of the USA of an attack Pearl Harbor are analyzed. Specificity this opinions is revealed. Sources of formation of opinions and estimations are considered.

The Problems of the Contemporaneity the Creativity of the Pre-Raphaelites

The article is devoted to creativity of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood who represented the English art of the middle of the XIX century. Particular attention is paid to their interest in the representation of acute social realities of the Victorian society at that time. The problems of labor emigration, prostitution, illegitimate children, position of women and so on are considered by an analysis of the Pre-Raphaelite paintings.

«The Greatest Dandy of his Times» G.B. Brummell in Victorian Periodicals

The author in the article explores the reflection of the course of life of famous English dandy in the beginning of the XIX century G. Brummell in Victorian periodicals. The article is based on the reviews in various periodicals, which were published after the full biography of G. Brummell had been printed in 1844.

Tradition of St. Cyrill and St. Methody in States Conception by Karl IV Luxemburg ́ s

The author of this article examine the problem: how Bohemian king and imperator Karl IV Luxemburg (1346–1378) attempted tradition of St. Cyrill and St. Methody for strengthening his rule.

Wolf, Raven and Serpent Images in the Old Norse Weapon Symbolism

In the current article the author makes an attempt of interpretation of three most significant animal symbols of Viking Age – the Wolf, the Raven and the Serpent – in their mythological, ritual and social sence. The author’s aim was to demonstrate and analyze the indissoluble connection between bestial symbolics and the cult of weapons, the inherent part of the Old Norse mythologic and poetic traditions, in the different aspects.

Aristotle and History of Sparta: Some Problems of Chronology

The article deals with the Aristotle’s forms of presentation and chronological correlation techniques of some historical facts and processes related to Spartan history in his «Politics». Thorough analyzing of certain passages of the «Politics» does demonstrates that Aristotle was quite knowledgeable of Spartan history and this competence enabled him to work out the original and logically elaborated conception of the Spartan historical evolution beginning from the early times up to his own days.
