Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Дискуссия в англоязычной историографии Коммунистического интернационала

В статье рассматривается вопрос о научном споре в англоязычной историографии Коминтерна между представителями двух направлений: традиционалистского и ревизионистского, которые расходятся, главным образом, в вопросе, насколько значительным было влияние Коминтерна на коммунистические партии, насколько серьезной автономией в принятии политических решений они обладали и обладали ли вовсе. Анализируются этапы дискуссии, отмечаются видные представители направлений в различные периоды.

Military aid of the Soviet Union to the National Liberation Movement of Yugoslavia during the World War II

During World War II, the Soviet Union provided large-scale and multifaceted military assistance to the national liberation movement of Yugoslavia. This activity had several main directions, including training of Yugoslav military personnel in the USSR. The second direction was the training of Yugoslav military personnel in the USSR with the simultaneous creation of military formations. Thirdly, the formation of military units and the training of their personnel took place on the territory of Yugoslavia.

Problems of application of historical-anthropological and microhistorical approaches on the example of reconstruction of the feats of signalers in the Battle of Stalingrad

The article deals with the problems of applying the historical-anthropological and microhistorical approaches on the example of the exploits of signalmen in the Battle of Stalingrad. This article is a continuation of the author’s research. In the current study, the question of this type of achievement was considered in more detail. Incorrect variants in the historiography of dating or geographical indications of the places of heroic deeds of signalmen were identified and corrected.

The research of the All-Russian Local Council 1917–1918 and regional (district) Councils of the Russian Church in 1918–1920 in the modern Russian historiography

The author of the paper analyses modern scientific works in which the All-Russian Local Council 1917–1918 is examined. Moreover, the historiography of the regional (district) councils that took place in the Russian Church during the Local Council and the Civil war (All-Ukranian in Kyiv, Siberian in Tomsk, South-Eastern in Stavropol and also the attempt to convene the Council in the Far East), is researched. The author also talks about the key book series and publishing projects that have been accomplished during the last two decades.

Anti-Semitic rhetoric of Hieromonk Iliodor (Trufanov) as a reflection of the crisis of the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the XX century

The article analyzes the anti-Semitic rhetoric of hieromonk Iliodor (Trufanov) as one of the most scandalous Clerical figures of the Russian Empire in the early XX century. The process of politicization of the Russian Orthodox Church for legitimizing power and serving the national ideology in the context of the Synodal crisis is reviewed. Many clergymen were the spiritual leaders of legal monarchical organizations and thus supported their national policies. The Jewish issue became a marker of the crisis of the Church.

Sergey Witte and his Foreign Investment Policy in the studies by English-speaking scholars

. The article discusses the development of the interest of English-speaking historians in the foreign investment policy of Sergey Witte. The paper also examines the role of the Secret Memorandum of Sergey Wittein the understanding of the foreign investment in the Russian economy. The author shows that Russian and English-speaking historians, despite the political upheavals of the 20th century, were engaged in a scholarly conversation in their discussion of the subject.

“The appearance of such works is necessaryfor the benefit of the Russian mission in the East”: Problem statement of the accumulation and systematization of “knowledge about the Orient” in the publication projects of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1909–1

The article is devoted to the reflection of the officials of the Russian Foreign Ministry on the problem of accumulating “knowledge about the Orient”, bringing them into the system and implementing into political practice. The key source for the analysis was the two issues of the “Materials on the Study of the East” published on the eve and at the beginning of the Great War, the authors and editors of which sought to raise this problem and propose ways to solve it. The question is raised about the role of expert knowledge in determining the strategy of St.

The court service of Baim Boltin

The article for the first time examines in detail the court service of the statesman of the first half of the XVII century, Baim Fedorovich Boltin. At the beginning of his career, he was an Arzamas nobleman. In 1624 he entered the court service, then served for several years as a clerk of the Novgorod’s quarter. He took an active part in court events, embassy meetings. In the last years of Mikhail Romanov’s life, he was a marshal’s assistant and the first judge of the Ministry of Cavalry.

Боевое снаряжение Южнорусской организации «Народной воли», 1885-1886 гг.

В течение 1885 г. Южнорусская организация «Народной воли» под руководством Б.Д. Оржиха создала собственный запас бомб и обеспечила их хранение. Эти бомбы предназначались для деморализации самодержавного правительства. В силу объективных обстоятельств, вызванных необходимостью укрепления ослабленной партии, южане не успели приступить к полной реализации своих планов по применению бомб. В реальности работа сконцентрировалась на консолидации сил и обширной пропагандистской деятельности вплоть до постепенной ликвидации группы в течение 1886-1887 г.

Деятельность В. Я. Богучарского по созданию музея имени Л. Н. Толстого в Санкт-Петербурге

В статье рассматривается участие дореволюционного историка, публициста и общественного деятеля В. Я. Богучарского в создании музея Л. Н. Толстого в Санкт-Петербурге. Это событие было приурочено к восьмидесятилетнему юбилею великого русского писателя.
