Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Британская империя и Сибирь в начале Гражданской войны в России

В статье рассматривается политика Британской империи в отношении Зауральской колонии России эпохи социально-политических катаклизмов 1917–1918 гг. Изучены причины притязаний на Сибирь правящих кругов Великобритании; выявлены внешние и внутренние противоречия при проведении политики интервенции, механизмы влияния на политические события в Сибирском регионе.

The Noble Family of Bekhteevs in Russian History (15th – Early 20th Centurie)

The article deals with the history of the Russian noble family of Behteevs from the end of the XV century until the revolution of 1917 and the civil war in Russia that followed. The author studies the most famous Yelets-Voronezh branch of the Behteev family, the representatives of which played an important role in the history of the Russian state for several centuries.

On the Nature of the Administrative Practice of Novgorod the Great during the Period of Jacob de la Gardie’s Governorship (based on the Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Science)

This article deals with the Swedish presence in Novgorod in 1611–1617, headed by Jacob de la Gardie. The administrative practice of that period is studied in detail. On account of the documents, it became possible to define the national and social structure of the official bodies, assignment procedure and the main principles of paperwork management. For this reason, an analysis of peculiarities and functions of the Novgorod ad- ministration was carried out.

State Policy Concerning the Formation and Development of Pedagogical Education in Russia in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

The article considers the formation of the organizational structure of pedagogical education in Russia in the first quarter of the nineteenth century. It conformed to the system of education, which resulted from the ongoing educational reforms. Special attention is paid to pedagogical institutions established at universities. The role of the Main pedagogical Institute is highlighted. Key words: educational reform of Alexander I, system of pedagogical education, teachers ' Seminary, teacher training institutes.

World War I and Russia (on Some Lessons of Century-old Events)

Analyzing many events and phenomena that occurred in the leading countries of the world, and, first of all, in Russia, before, in the course of, and after World War I, the author raises and explores a number of problems of that time which are still urgent today and connected with international and domestic security of Russia. Key words: World War I, Russia, imperial nationalism, ambitions of political elite, international relations, overthrow of monarchy, war lessons, consequences of the Versailles Treaty.

Great Russian Revolution of 1917: from the February Events to the October Overturn

The paper analyses the peculiarities of the political process in post-February revolutionary period which was notable for peculiar political forces arrangement, mythologized public consciousness with its belief in miracles and «setting in the realm of freedom». A new legal system was not developed, the level of public legal awareness and political culture was very low. This was one of the important reasons of Russian sovereignty downfall, the situation in the center and the province confirming this.

Church and Political Activities of Rostov Bishop Kirill after the Mongol Invasion

The article examines the activitity of Rostov Bishop Kirill, who headed the church administration in the North-Eastern Russia after the Mongol invasion. The key focus is on the bishop’s policy towards the Golden Horde and his relationship with Alexander Nevsky.

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire and the First and Second State Dumas: Interaction in the Legislative Sphere

The article is devoted to the relations between the Russian government and the State Duma of the first and second convocation. The process of drafting bills by the Ministry of Finance and their fate in the legislative institution is under consideration.

Visual Images of War in the Works of V. D. Polenov

The article is devoted to the perception of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877–1878 by artists. Analyzing the visual images of war in the works of V. D. Polenov, the author considers the historical and cultural context of their formation and evolution. The article reveals the influence of public opinion, the contradiction of artistic trends, changes in the activity of the press. The author makes an attempt to determine the features of V. D. Polenov’s artistic understanding of the war in the Balkans and the peculiarity of his position among other artists.

Social Development Strategy in the Soviet Union in the Second Half of the 1950s – the Middle of the 1980s: Stages of Policy-making and Implementation Mechanisms

The article analyzes the policy-making process and implementation mechanisms of the social development strategy of the Soviet Union in 1953–1985. It claims that the main ideological components of the Soviet strategy of social development during the period concerned were fully established after the XXII Congress of the Communist Party, and show which role the institutions of the Communist party played in the policy-making and realization of the Soviet social development strategy.
