Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2021, Vol. 21, iss. 3
Отечественная история
Seliverstov S. V.
«Eastern agreement» of Ismail Gasprinsky: The formation of an early Eurasian concept (1880–1890s)
Zaytsev M. V.
The problem of the continuity of state financial and economic policy in the era of Nicholas II: Witte, Kokovtsov, Bark
Всеобщая история и международные отношения
Smirnov N. A.
Jan Iskra from Brandis and his role in the social and political struggles in Slovakia and Hungary in the 1440–1460s
Chernova L. N.
Women in the social life of a medieval town (based on the material of London in the 14th–15th centuries)
Labutina T. L.
How the Russian-British commercial treaty of 1734 was prepared (based on the materials of diplomatic correspondence)
Yudin K. A.
Chords of the «Cold War»: Music as a resource for representing the «image of the other» in Anglo-American cinema
Cholakhyan V. A.
nternational participation in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 1990–2020
Региональная история и краеведение
Amirkhanova M. M.
Dagestan aul of the NEP era: Touches of everyday life (the first half of the 1920s)
Mirzabekov M. Y.
Creation and deployment of scientific institutions for the study of Dagestan in the 20s of the 20th century
Guseva Y. Y.
“Saratov font”: Complication of church-state relations in the USSR in the late 1940s (based on materials from the Saratov Volga region)