Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2012, Vol. 12, iss. 1

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Отечественная история
Pozdnyakov A. N.
The Education Reform of Alexander II: Evaluative Judgments in Historical Writings of the Late XIX – Early XX Centuries
Hasin V. V.
«Саратовское дело» Г. Г. Замысловского через призму общественных отношений начала XX века. Право и нравы
Stepanov I. I.
Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church from the End of XIX Century till the Beginning of XX Century (on the Example of the Ryazan Eparchy)
Novozhilov V. Y.
From the History of the Officers Training for the Internal Troops of the Interior in Russia
Всеобщая история
Bukina A. G.
Corinthian and Italo-Corinthian Vases in the «Сatalogue of Classical Antiquities Possessed by Cavaliere Pizzati»
Lebedeva A. A.
The Native Historiography of Medieval Moravian Cities Development: the History and the Prospects of Studying
Gorbachev D. V.
I. A. Fessler about the French Revolution: French «Lessons» of German Conservatism
Международные отношения
Aphonina E. A.
From the «Containment» Doctrine to the «Expansion» Strategy : the American Foreign Aid and New Epoch Challenges (1992–1994)
Региональная история и краеведение
Kalinina O. S.
The Women and Children Problem in German Families of the Saratov Right-Bank Volga Region and its Transformation (mid 1760s – late 1920s)
Shpakovskayа S. V.
The life Quality of Penza Region People in the Beginning of XX Century (by the Evidences of the Local Press)
Timoshina S. A.
Political Government of Informing Soviet Citizens about Events Abroad in 1921–1941 (Penza Region is Taken as an Example)
Критика и библиография
Malyshkin S. A.
Volga Region in Saratov of «The Twelfth Year»: the Fate of Great Army’s Prisoners of War
Varfolomeev Y. V.
«To install in Russia Court Fast, Right, Mercy and Equal for all Submitted ours...». The review on book : Courts of the Saratov region : from the past in the present.