Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Revacuation of Residents of the Pskov Region (1944–1948)

The article discusses the process of returning of the inhabitants of the Pskov region to their native places after their liberation from the Nazi invaders, evacuated in 1941 to the eastern regions of the country. Digital data on the number of evacuated and re-evacuated, examples of state aid to the latter are presented, the difficulties of re-evacuation and the demographic consequences of the war for one of the indigenous regions of Russia are revealed.

The Soviet State and Religious Organizations in the 70s XX Century (Based on the Materials of the Ryazan Region)

The author of the publication analyzes the religious policy of the Soviet state in the 70s of the twentieth century. The main stages of the evolution of the religious policy of the state in the field of lawmaking, as well as the features of its implementation in relation to religious organizations, are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the process of relations between the Council for Religious Affairs under the Government of the USSR and the Ryazan authorized Council with specific communities of believers of different faiths.

Housing Issue Mid-1970s as a Problem of Social Arrangement in the USSR

The social aspects of life are considered: housing legislation and the degree of provision of the USSR population with living space. By the example of citizens’ letters to the central authorities and newspapers, the problem of public relations to the process of bourgeoisie of the nomenclature elite is insufficiently covered in historical science. The conclusion is formulated that the statement of private ownership psychology among officials contributed to the weakening of proper control over capital construction.

Семейные истории о Великой Отечественной войне: специфика исторических источников

В статье рассмотрены принципы и методы изучения поведенческих практик в повседневной жизни людей через их судьбы в ходе Великой Отечественной войны. Проанализированы материалы устной истории, субъективизм которых не искажает, а дополняет информацию законодательных и делопроизводственных источников. Ценнейшие сведения содержатся в рассекреченных и оцифрованных документах Мартиролога Великой Отечественной войны 1941–1945 гг.

The problem of the continuity of state financial and economic policy in the era of Nicholas II: Witte, Kokovtsov, Bark

The object of study is the principles of state economic policy during the reign of Nicholas II. The views and activities of finance ministers S. Yu. Witte, V. N. Kokovtsov and P. L. Bark are considered. The author analyzes the reasons and essence of changes in the economic priorities of the state. During this period, the policy of the Ministry of Finance was characterized by serious fluctuations caused by objective and subjective circumstances.

«Eastern agreement» of Ismail Gasprinsky: The formation of an early Eurasian concept (1880–1890s)

The article is devoted to the formation of the Eurasian intellectual tendency in Russia – based on the material of the Turkic social thought. The views of the Turkic-Muslim leader Ismail Gasprinsky are reconstructed. His ideas about the rapprochement between Russia and Turkey, about a potential «Eastern agreement» with the participation of Russia, Turkey, Persia and the Balkan states are shown. It is concluded that the idea of an «Eastern agreement» is (in terms of content and meaning) an early Eurasian/pro-Eurasian concept.

The service of N. F. Annensky in the zemstvo

Zemstvo officials occupied a prominent place in the social life of Russia in the post-reform period. Many of them participated in the populist movement in the 1870s, but for various reasons they left it and devoted themselves entirely to the zemstvo service, the reby obtaining the opportunity to legally study the way of life, culture, labour activities of peasants and to defend their interests before the landlords, gubernia and uyezd administrations. N. F. Annensky was one of these devotees.

Сharles XII at Narva in autumn 1700: Testimonies from his confidants

The Narva campaign of Charles XII and the victory of the Swedish army over the Russian army in the Battle of Narva on November 19, 1700, was the greatest success of Charles XII and, at the same time, the gravest defeat of Peter I in The Great Northern War (1700–1721). This explains the long-standing and close attention of historians to the role of the young Swedish king in the «greatest victory over the Russians».

German cultural policy and propaganda in the territory of the General district of Belarus in 1941–1944

The article deals with the problem of policy and propaganda in the field of culture of the German civil administration in the territory of the General District of Belarus. The aim of the research is to analyze the content of German propaganda materials in the field of culture, to determine its main directions, goals and effectiveness, as well as the content of the real occupation policy in the field of culture. Research methods-analysis and synthesis are applied in the article.

Relations between the Russian and Constantinople Orthodox Churches in the XX century

 The article examines the relations between the two Orthodox churches, each of which occupies a specific place in world Orthodoxy, at a crucial historical period for both of them, using factual material and its analysis in political, canonical and spiritual dimensions. It is concluded that political and situational expediency cannot justify a departure from the essence of Orthodoxy both in inter-Orthodox relations and in the activities of its hierarchs.
