Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2014, Vol. 14, iss. 1

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Отечественная история
Kyrychenko O. B.
The Role of R. R. Rosen at Russo-Japanese Negotiations about Korean and Manchurian Question
Kustov V. A.
The role of representation power in developing foreign policy of the Russian Empire (April 1906 – June 1907)
Всеобщая история и международные отношения
Demchenko E. S.
Attitude towards children in the English factories in the first half of the XIX century (based on reports and memories of contemporaries)
Malkin S. G.
«Highland Dress as a sort of Military Dress»: administrative ethnography of the «The Highland Problem» of Great Britain in 1689–1759
Alexeev D. S.
Perspectives of the ‘New Silk Road’ Strategy in the context of NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan
Petrykina D. V.
The «Trouble Spot» of the Andean Region: Colombia and Venezuela at the Beginning of the XXI-st Century
Региональная история и краеведение
Gumenyuk A. A.
Health’s protection of the industrial workers in Saratov region in 1953–1985 years