Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Ivonina L. I. The Trial in Parliament over the Duke of Marlborough: Verity or Falsification?. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 49-54. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2012-12-2-49-54

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The Trial in Parliament over the Duke of Marlborough: Verity or Falsification?

Ivonina Lyudmila Ivanovna, Saratov State University

The article examines the judicial process in the British Parliament over John, the Duke of Marlborough, accused of embezzlement of funds and assignment of invested significant sums. The author suggests that Tory Parliament sought to justify Marlborough’s denial of all his command posts and his dismissal of high politics. In this sense, charges of the Duke were largely falsified.

  1. Murray G. The letters and dispatches of J. Churchill, first Duke of Marlborough from 1702 to 1712: in 5 vols. L., 1845. Vol. I. P. 52.
  2. Swift J. Works: in 17 vols. L., 1898–1914. Vol. IV. P. 48–50.
  3. Цит. по: Metzdorf J. Politik-Propaganda-Patronage. Francis Hare und die Englische Publizistik im Spanischen Erbfolgekrieg. Mainz, 2000. S. 142–144.
  4. The letters and diplomatic instructions of Queen Anne / ed. by B. C. Brown. L., 1935. P. 391.
  5. См.: Mullenbrock H. J. The Culture of Contention. A Rhetorical Analysis of the Public Controversy about the Ending of the War of the Spanish Succession, 1710– 1713. München, 1997. P. 115 ; Сobbet’s Parliamentary History of England : in 36 vols. L., 1808–1809. Vol. IV. P. 1362.
  6. Thomson G. M. The First Churchill. The life of John, 1st Duke of Marlborough. L., 1975. P. 270–273.
  7. Swift J. Op. cit. P. 56.
  8. Murray G. Op. cit. Vol. II. Р. 237.
  9. См.: Ивонин Ю. Е. Евгений Савойский // Вопр. истории. 2006. № 6. С. 50 ; Braubach M. Prinz Eugen von Savoyen. Eine Biographie. Bd. I. Wien, 1963. S. 82–91.
  10. См., например: The London Gazette. 1711. № 1.
  11. Swift J. Op. cit. P. 66.
  12. Thomson G. M. Op. cit. Р. 274–275.
  13. Jones J. R. Marlborough. Cambridge, 1993. Р. 91.
  14. См.: Mullenbrock H. J. Op. cit. Р. 122–124.
  15. Ibid. P. 125 ; Thomson G. M. Op. cit. Р. 277–278.
  16. Цит. по: Winston S. Churchill. Marlborough, sa Vie et son Temps : in 3 vols. P., 1967. Vol. I. P. 413.
  17. См.: Braubach M. Op. cit. Bd. III. S. 94.
  18. См.: Thomson G. M. Op. cit. Р. 282.
  19. Hatton R. Georg I. Ein deutscher Kurfurst auf dem englischen Thron. Frankfurt a / M., 1982. S. 118–184.
  20. См.: Jones J. Op. cit. P. 99.
  21. Thomson G. M. Op. cit. Р. 284.
  22. Ibid. P. 285–286.
  23. Murray G. Op. cit. Vol. II. Р. 308 ; English Historical Documents / ed. by A. Browning : in 12 vols. L., 1953. Vol. VII. Р. 822–825.