Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


«Strangers in Parliament!»: the Procedural Incident of 1875 (from History of Political Culture of the Victorian England)

The article is devoted to history of periodicals in Great Britain in a context of evolution of democratic institutes of the British society. The problem is considered on an example of one of bright episodes of history of the British parliamentarism of 1875. Work is based on materials of the British parliament, the press, memoirs.

The Trial in Parliament over the Duke of Marlborough: Verity or Falsification?

The article examines the judicial process in the British Parliament over John, the Duke of Marlborough, accused of embezzlement of funds and assignment of invested significant sums. The author suggests that Tory Parliament sought to justify Marlborough’s denial of all his command posts and his dismissal of high politics. In this sense, charges of the Duke were largely falsified.

«The Pamphlet War» and the Adoption of the Great Reform Act of 1832 in Great Britain

The Great reform Act (election law) of 1832 was one of the most significant internal political events in the United Kingdom of the 19th century. It initiated the group of serious transformations of the parliamentary system of the State. The article is based on the analysis of documentary sources (press and parliamentary debate). It shows the influence of British public opinion and the press on the process of the adoption of the parliamentary reform in 1830–1832. The struggle for reform showed the extreme polarization of political forces in the UK.