Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

Specialized Medicine in the Villages of the Saratov Region in the Second Half of the 1940s – Early 1950s

In the article the activity of health care institutions in the sphere of specialized types of medical assistance in relation to rural labor resources is analyzed. The problems and contradictions associated with the implementation of measures taken by the state and party leadership in this direction are identified.

Single Peasant Households of the Saratov Province of the End of the XIX Century According to Zemstvo Household Censuses

One of the less widespread variants of peasant households were single households. The economic, legal and cultural norms of the traditional agrarian society contradicted the emergence of structures of this type. However, they were constantly present in different regions of the country in different time periods. The aim of the work is to study peasant single households of the Saratov province of the late XIX century. In this connection the primary materials of the zemstvo household censuses of the 1880–1890s will be investigated.

Revolutionary Activity of Ernst Reuters in the Saratov Volga Region (1918)

The author analyzes a short Saratov period of the course of life of a well-known German social democrat Ernst Reuter. According to the directive of the RSFSR Council of Peoples Commissars Chairman V. I. Lenin and Peoples Commissar on Nationalities J. V Stalin a German war prisoner and communist Ernst Reuter was sent to Saratov Volga Region in April 1918 where he became the leader of the Volga Region Commissariat on the Germans.

The Beginning of Sovkhozes Formation in the Lower Volga Region (1917–1924): оn the Materials of Saratov and Tsaritsyn Provinces

The article, based on the archival materials, reveals previously unknown facts about the former landowners’ manors of Saratov and Tsaritsyn provinces in 1917–1924. The Soviet government’s policy, in which the lands of the former landowners were transformed into the Soviet model farms – sovkhozes is analyzed. The true state of these agrarian structures is shown, as well as reduction of acreage and livestock population is noted.

Social Security of the Population in Dagestan in the 1920s – the First Half of the1930s

On the basis of new archive documents the question of social security of the population in Dagestan in the first time of Soviet government is considered. The social security system in the beginning of its work experienced problems related to the scope of the workers. One of the features of development of social security in 1930s was its excessive state participation or paternalization. The budget of the social security was consolidated into the state budget. Insurance of people engaged in farmer’s sector has a big political importance.

The Process of Municipalities Enlargement in Saratov Region as a Factor of Alteration of the Rural Settlement Structure at the Present Stage

Based on the analysis of the statistics on the alteration of the administrativeterritorial division of Saratov region, the historical process of municipalities enlargement and the change of number of rural and urban settlements is being examined and compared. The examination of rural resettlement is relevant in connection with the reorganization of the system of local government in the Russian Federation.

The Mechanism of State Control over the Activities of Public Organizations in the Early 20th Century (on the Materials of the Vyatka Province)

The article examines the process of changing the state policy in the sphere of control over the activities of public associations. Until the early twentieth century the policy of prohibition of all nonstate entities was carried out in the state. The situation began to change during the first Russian revolution, when Russian society receives a set of civil rights and freedoms. The analysis of the legal framework regulating the creation and activities of the first non-governmental organizations is given.

Saratov Zemstvo and Prisoners of War During World War I

The given article considers problems related to the lack of working hands in agricultural sector of Saratov province during World War I. The author concludes that general mobilization most of all effected landlords’ farms of the province. One of the ways to solve the problem of workforce shortage was the wide-spread use of prisoners of war and refugees.

Handicraft Industry of the Saratov Province in the Years of the NEP

This publication is a study at the regional level of the problems of development of handicraft industry in the years of NEP. On the materials of history of the Saratov province the nature and features of private and handicraft industry are investigated, the sources and factors of its evolution are analyzed. The author on the basis of archival materials reveals the variety of economic structures and their known continuity with the pre-revolutionary economy of the region.

Mobilization of the Public Financial Resources During the Great Patriotic War: the Practice of the Saratov Region

The article substantiates the necessity and possibility of wide attraction of money of the population during the Great Patriotic War, due to which the revenue part of the state budget and inflation control were largely provided. The regional practice of implementation in 1941–1945 of tax policy of the state, mobilization of means of workers through acquisition of bonds of loans, monetary and ware lotteries, placement of deposits in savings banks, and also mass national movement on creation of Fund of defense is analyzed.
