Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Международные отношения

Russia – Germany: an Attempt to a Strategic Partnership (1998–2005ss)

The article presents the dynamics of Russian-German cooperation between the late 1990s and the first half of the 2000s. It is established that the relationship between Russia and Germany have developed in cycles because they had passed the phase of rise and fall. The official interpretation of the bilateral relations as strategic partnership can not be considered successful in view of the conflicts generated by the contradictions in the national interests of Russia and Germany.

Key Stages in the Development of the Nunn – Lugar Program in the 1990s

The article examines the main stages of formation and development of the Cooperative Threat Reduction program, its goal and tasks at each stage, as well as reasons and methods used by the opposition in the USA to reduce its funding.

From the «Containment» Doctrine to the «Expansion» Strategy : the American Foreign Aid and New Epoch Challenges (1992–1994)

The article is devoted to the study of the changes in the American foreign policy and essence of new global challenges after the end of the Cold War. Besides the role of the American foreign аid to underdeveloped countries in the context of the Clinton administration’s National Security Strategy is also analyzed.

The Question of the USSR’s Potential Enemies in Potential War in 1920s

The article examines Russian relations with potential adversaries in the interwar period. The author systematizes a number of diplomatic Anti-Soviet Acts and the ranking of states threatening the USSR’s foreign policy during 1920s.

John Kennedy and “Food for Peace” program

This article is devoted to the study of the evolution of American agricultural aid within the framework of the Food for Peace program, as well as its legislative basis, primarily the PL-480 law, during the presidency of John F. Kennedy. In addition, the attitudes of the main groups within the American establishment toward this program, organizational structure and some assessments of its effectiveness are considered.

Historical and legal foundations of the principles of territorial integrity of states and the right of peoples to self-determination at the present stage

The article presents the historical and legal aspects of the formation and development of two fundamental principles of international law:theterritorial integrity of States andthe right of peoplesto self-determination. The author’s analysis showsthat currentlythere is no hierarchy in international law among the principles of territorial integrity of States and the right of peoples to self-determination – they are interrelated and have the same international legal force.

Security Cooperation between the Palestinian National Authority and Israel

The article is devoted to the study of the topical problem of Palestinian-Israeli security cooperation. The author draws attention to the institution created in the framework of the Oslo process – the Joint Committee for Coordination and Cooperation. It was revealed that on its basis the first possibility of interaction between two parties within one body was tested. Other way of cooperation is negotiations between the security representatives of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) and Israel “under the umbrella” of the United States in the 1990s.

Migration policy of France at the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries

The article considers the main directions of France’s migration policy at the turn of 20th – 21st centuries and focuses on the measures taken by the French government to regulate migration policy. The author concludes that nowadays a lot of work has been done in the country to solve the problem of migration, which has slightly weakened migration flows.

The International aspect of Circassian Involvement to the Young Turk movement in the 19th century

The author traces the role of North Caucasian emigrants (Circassians) in the Young Turk movement. For a long time, since the 19th century, Circassian question have maintained high political importance on the international agenda, turning Circassians and their projected North Caucasian state into a proto-subject of international relations. The main support for such subjectivisation was provided by Great Britain, but uptothe end ofthe 19th century Circassian issues had lost much of its importance for the British Empire.

The Iranian issue in the context of the American-Russian relations (2000–2008)

The article is devoted to American-Russian relations during the period of presidency of George W. Bush. The author focuses on the U.S. position on Russian-Iranian collaboration issue. The role of personal diplomacy of George W. Bush and V. Putin in the process of bilateral relations of U.S.A. And Russia is highlighted.
