Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Participation of the UK in the military operation in Ukraine in 2022

The article analyzes the role and place of Great Britain in the preparation of the military conflict in Ukraine, as well as the formation of the terrorist concept of warfare led by the Ukrainian army and special services. Both direct and indirect participation of British military structures in combat actions against the Russian armed forces in 2022 is examined. The article outlines the supplies of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine by the UK, the forms and directions of training of the Ukrainian “proxy army” by British military instructors.

Participation of Moldova in the CIS: The influence of internal factors, evolution and problematic aspects

The article examines the dynamics of Moldova’s participation in the CIS in the context of the internal political struggle in the republic. The author analyzes the process of a country joining the organization and highlights problematic aspects of this process. The influence of international actors on the formation of the foreign policy course of Chisinau between Russia and the EU is considered.

Eastern Mediterranean and the Syrian issue in the foreign policy priorities of Russia and the United States

Russian and foreign specialists continue to maintain their research interest in the Eastern Mediterranean, both in view of the energy potential of the region as well as unresolved security issues. This article considers the role of global powers – Russia and the United States – in the Eastern Mediterranean from the point of view of the theory of the regional security complex. An attempt was made to determine the interests and priorities of Moscow and Washington on the basis of an analysis of the doctrinal approaches of both states in the identified subcomplex.

The American vector of Russia’s foreign policy in the period of Boris Yeltsin’s first presidency

The article considers Russia’s foreign policy towards the United States in 1991–1996. The desire of the Russian leadership to achieve the level of strategic partnership with the United States is shown in the conditions of the formation of a new Russian statehood and the weakening of the country’s international positions. The conclusion ismade about the collapse of Moscow’s unjustified hopes and illusions for equal cooperation with Washington.

The main directions of NATO interaction with the states of Central Asia in the XXI century

The article examines NATO’s interaction with Central Asian states in bilateral and multilateral formats over the past 20 years. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the Afghan factor in the relations of the parties. The author concludes that for several decades NATO has purposely tried to strengthen its geopolitical position in Central Asia in order to reduce Russia’s influence on regional security processes. 

The influence of internal processes on the formation of Moldova’s foreign policy in the first years of independence

The article examines the main internal political processes in Moldova at the time of the collapse of the USSR and the republic’s independence. The author highlights the features of the formation of the Moldovan statehood and their influence on the formation of the foreign policy course of the young state. The researcher analyzes the process of Moldova’s inclusion in the system of international relations and joining the main international institutions.

Jeffrey Sachs and American Aid to Post-Soviet Russia: the Case of «Different Anatomy»

The article is devoted to the study of the role played by wellknown economist Jaffrey Sachs in the process of realization of the Russian reforms that was carried out under control of the American administration during the nineties (XX c.). Besides, Sachs’ economic views and his interpretation of the Russian reforms failure are also analyzed.

The Sceptic without Illusions (Society and Power in Pobedonoscev`s Political Concept)

Research is devoted the Russian conservative and the statesman. Pobedonoscev created the political concept of necessity of a monarchy in Russia. Its original doctrine about power and society interaction интеесно as an example of conservative thought. Proved historical necessity of the strong power for Russia as in Russian society there are no traditions of independence of the people. His conclusions are paradoxical and represent the big interest.

Global warming: Russia’s approaches and the West’s reaction

The article is devoted to the study of the evolution of the national climate policy from the moment of its emergence in the USSR in the 1960s and 1970s until the end of the active phase of cooperation between Moscow and Western countries in this area at the end of 2021. The main stages of climate policy,factors of evolution and impact onthe Russian economy are considered. It is concludedthatthe cooperation ofthe Russian Federation with Western countries on the issue of global warming was built on a solid foundation, which can become the basis for future dialogue.

P.-Sh. Leveque about Ivan the Terrible

The author focuses on the lighting the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible by P.-Sh. Leveque on the pages of his «Russian History». Leveque was the first of the French historians who have tried to not only to give a critical assessment of the era, but also have tried to make an objective look at on the personality of the Russian autocrat of the XVI century.
