Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The pedagogical activity of the English writer Hannah More at the turn of the XVIIIth – XIXth centuries

The article examines the pedagogical activity of the English writer and teacher of the turn of the XVIII–XIX centuries Hannah More. It is shown that she not only wrote about the need to provide girls with the opportunity to receive education, but also organized schools and women’s creative circles for them, popularized charitable activities among English women. The main attention is paid to the difficulties that H. More had to overcome in this field.

Cities of England in the middle of the XVI century in the Relazioni of the Venetian ambassadors

The article examines the data of the final reports of the Venetian ambassadors on English cities. The information of the Venetian ambassadors about the cities of England, unfortunately, is brief. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that they basically boil down to pointing out that London is the main city of the country, that other cities of England are simply listed by the Venetian ambassadors, that the testimonies of the Venetians, albeit indirectly, help to recreate the perception of the cities of the English kingdom by the Venetians.

The Sceptic without Illusions (Society and Power in Pobedonoscev`s Political Concept)

Research is devoted the Russian conservative and the statesman. Pobedonoscev created the political concept of necessity of a monarchy in Russia. Its original doctrine about power and society interaction интеесно as an example of conservative thought. Proved historical necessity of the strong power for Russia as in Russian society there are no traditions of independence of the people. His conclusions are paradoxical and represent the big interest.

Spain and the Spaniards through the eyes of the Extraordinary British Ambassador Samuel Hoare (1940–1944)

Based on the materials of the memoirs of the participants of the events and the business correspondence of the embassy with the British government, the image of the Spanish people in the representations of the British ambassador to Spain – Samuel Hoare, who held the post from 1940 to 1944, is considered. The Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 led to a crisis in many spheres of society. The author comes to the conclusion that the conflict within the state has led to a deep cultural split in Spanish society.

Hannah More on the significance of charity for the rich and the poor

The article examines one of the facets of the industrial revolution process associated with shifts in the social structure of society and changes in behavioral practices. The main attention is focused on the analysis of the views of the writer, philanthropist and teacher H. Morе. In her writings, H. More tried to contribute to strengthening social stability in society by educating “true ladies”, on the one hand, and educating obedient poor, on the other hand. 

Political and gender aspects of Mary Tudor’s rise to power and rule

The article examines the conditions of the coming to power of the English Queen Mary Tudor and the peculiarities of her reign, including from the point of view of gender aspects. It is shown that, while condemning Mary I Tudor for her adherence to Catholicism, many historians do not mention the positive aspects of her short reign of England. Mary Tudor came to power at a difficult time for the Kingdom. Having no experience of governing the country, Maria brought the statesmen who had recently opposed her closer to her.

Russian theme in the perception of H. Walpol

The problem of intercultural dialogue and the formation of the image of the “other” in a certain cultural tradition is being actively developed in modern historiography at different levels. When writing this article, the level of personal perception by the representative of the English Enlightenment of the carriers of the Russian cultural tradition was chosen. Horace Walpole gained fame in various areas of cultural life. The article analyzes Walpole’s perception of the Russian theme, examines how in this case the personal corresponds to the national tradition.

The Works on the Social History of England Represented in the Translation from the Foreign Languages in Russia on the Eve of XIX–ХХ Centuries

The activity on incorporation of the foreign works on social development of England into the intellectual space of Russia is analyzed in the article. The translations into Russian of the works of the outstanding European historians, political science specialists, lawyers, sociologists had become an important and natural respond to the social need in learning of the western and especially British experience, in comparison of the distinctive national development with the achievements of the other peoples.

Land Tenure in English Monastic Town at the Beginning of XVI Century (Based on the «Rental of Faversham 1552–1533»)

The article examines the phenomenon of urban land tenure in a small English medieval town, based on the material of the Rental of 1532/33. The different aspects are being analyzed: its structure, rent, holders and tenants.

How Can English King Become the Sovereign of Flanders? (diplomatic struggle for the county in 2nd half of XIV сentury)

Article deals with the struggle for the County of Flanders between England and France in the second half of the XIV century. It concerns with the changes in their tactic: England and France stopped the warfare for a short period of time and used the means of diplomacy to gain Flanders instead. Members of the Plantagenet (Edmund Langley) and the Valois (Philip the Bold duke of Burgundy) dynasties in their matrimonial policy tried to seek the hand of the heiress of Flanders – Marguerite of Males.
