Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Razhev A. V. The British Army in 1930s: Activity of Secretaries of State for War A. Duff Cooper and L. Hore-Belisha. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 97-100. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2012-12-2-97-100

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The British Army in 1930s: Activity of Secretaries of State for War A. Duff Cooper and L. Hore-Belisha

Razhev Aleksandr V., Chelyabinsk State University

The article reviews the activities of Secretaries of State for War of Great Britain, Alfred Duff Cooper and Leslie Hore-Belisha on specific issues of modernization of British land forces during the period of 1936–1939. The work is based mainly on archival material: memoranda and conclusions of the British Cabinet, which are available on the official site of the National Archives of Great Britain.

  1. См.: Huntington S. P. Armed Forces and Democracy : Reforming Civil-Military Relations // Journal of Democracy. 1995. Vol. 6. № 4. Р. 9–17.
  2. Это заметно и по воспоминаниям самих министров и их современников. См.: Duff Cooper A. Old Man Forget. L., 1953. Р. 194 ; Minney R. J. The Private Papers of HoreBelisha. L., 1960. Р. 40 ; Liddell Hart B. H. The memoirs of captain Liddell Hart : in 2 vols. L., 1965. Vol. 2. Р. 10.
  3. См.: Роуз К. Король Георг V. М., 2005. С. 324.
  4. См.: Черчилль У. Вторая Мировая война : в 3 кн. М., 2010. Кн. 1. С. 43.
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  7. См.: Winton H. R., Mets D. R. The challenge of change : military institutions and new realities, 1918–1941. Lincoln, 2000. Р. 97–98.
  8. См.: Duff Cooper A. Old Man Forget. L., 1953.
  9. См.: Duff Cooper A. «Recruiting for the army». Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War, 2nd of April 1936. C. P. 92(36) // The National Archive. Public Record Office. CAB 24/261. Vol. 135. P. 295.
  10. См.: Duff Cooper A. «Recruiting for the Army». Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War, 16th of October 1936. C. P. 322 (36) // TNA. PRO. CAB 24/265. Vol. 139. P. 212–216.
  11. В 1935 г. на вербовочные пункты пришло более 68 тыс. человек. Из них 31 тыс. чел. не прошла по физическим и медицинским показателям (см.: Amery L. S. My Political Life : in 3 vols. L., 1953. Vol. 3. P. 198).
  12. C. С. 69(36)7 // TNA. PRO. CAB 23/86. Vol. 53. P. 201– 203.
  13. См.: Chamberlain N. «The role of the British Army». Memorandum by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 11th of December 1936. C. P. 334(36) // TNA. PRO. CAB 24/265. Vol. 139. P. 265–266.
  14. Вооружение устарело, ощущалась нехватка автотранспорта и бронетехники, промышленность не справлялась со снабжением, в случае войны в готовности было лишь две дивизии (см.: C. P. 325/36. Duff Cooper A. «The Organization, Armament and Equipment of the Army». Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War”, 4th of December 1936 // TNA. PRO. CAB 24/265 Vol. 139. P. 220–222).
  15. «The Role of the Army. The Re-equipment of the Territorial Army». Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War, 3rd of December 1936. C. P. 326(36) // TNA. PRO. CAB 24/265 Vol. 139. P. 223–224.
  16. См.: Cabinet minutes. C. С. 5(37)14 // TNA. PRO. CAB 23/87. Vol. 54. P. 164–165.
  17. См.: Duff Cooper A. «The Organization, Armament and Equipment of the Army. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War», 23rd of April 1937. C. P. 115(37) // TNA. PRO. CAB 24/269. Vol. 142. P. 138–139.
  18. См.: Cabinet minutes. C. С. 20(37)4 // TNA. PRO. CAB 23/88. Vol. 55. P. 181–182.
  19. Ibid. P. 180.
  20. Minney R. J. Op. cit. P. 36.
  21. The Ironside diaries, 1937–1940 / ed. by R. Macleod, D. Kelly. L., 1962. P. 36–37 ; Winton H. R., Mets D. R. Op. cit. Р. 97–98.
  22. См.: Wilkinson R. Cardwell, Haldane, Hore-Belisha – an apostolic succession? // The RUSI Journal. 1999. Vol. 144, Iss. 1. P. 63–67 ; Beckett I. F. W., Gooch J. Politicians and defense : studies in the formulation of British defense policy, 1845–1970. Manchester, 1981 ; DennisP. Decision by default : peacetime conscription and British defense, 1919– 1939. Durham, 1972 ; Smart N. British Strategy and Politics During the Phony War: Before the Balloon Went Up Studies in Military History and International Affairs. Westport, 2003.
  23. См.: Winton H. R., Mets D. R. Op. cit. ; Smart N. Op. cit.
  24. См.: Shay R. P. Op. cit. Р. 170.
  25. См.: Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 15 June 1937. Vol. 325. Col. 178.
  26. См.: Minney R. J. Op. cit. Р. 40.
  27. До реформы срок службы составлял 12 лет – 7 лет в действующей армии и 5 лет в резерве (см.: Minney R. J. Op. cit. Р. 43–45).
  28. См.: Hore-Belisha L. «Vocational training of soldiers». Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War, 18th of October 1937. C. P. 245(37) // TNA. PRO. CAB 24/271. Vol. 144. P. 305–306.
  29. См.: Hore-Belisha L. «Recruiting for the army. Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War», 10th of February 1938. C. P. 22(38) // TNA. PRO. CAB 24/274. Vol. 147. P. 311–313.
  30. См.: Hansard. Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. 1938. 5 April. Vol. 334. Col. 202–3.
  31.  Mr. Hore-Belisha (War Minister) On National Defense. 22nd of May 1939 // British Pathе. The world’s finest news and entertainment video film archive. – Available : http://www.britishpathe.com/record.php?id=8035 [date ate of access : 19 September 2011]. Title from the screen.
  32. James R. The British Revolution : British Politics 1880– 1939 : in 2 vols. L., 1977. Vol. 2. Р. 262.
  33.  См.: Minney R. J. Op. cit. P. 60–80.
  34. См.: Cabinet minutes. C. С. 16(38)6 // TNA. PRO. CAB 23/93. Vol. 59. P. 61–63.
  35. Shay R. P. Op. cit. P. 199.
  36. Hore-Belisha L. «The State of Preparedness of the Army in Relation to its Role». Memorandum by Secretary of State for War., 27th of January 1939. С. P. 27(39) // TNA. PRO. CAB 24/282. Vol. 155. P. 222–223.