Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Региональная история и краеведение

Golden Steward Vasily Grigorievich Fefilatiev

From the XV century in the Russian state, an award for certain military merits is known in the form of rewarding those who distinguished themselves, or those who participated in a particular military campaign, with gilded silver or gold coins. The Moscow Kremlin Museums keep a gold award with an owner’s inscription stating that it was granted in 1639/40 to the stolnik Vasily Grigorievich Fefilatiev. This is the oldest personalized Russian award to date. It was possible to establish that the gold was awarded for the Saratov service in 1636.

Development of a Network of Rural Settlements of the Saratov Area in the End of 1950–1970

In clause evolution of a network of rural settlements of the Saratov area for the historical period between censuses 1959 and 1979 is analyzed. The author marks, that the tendencies of development of the system of rural moving of the Saratov area per 1950–1970 were reduction of number of small rural settlements: first of all farms and villages, integration of settlements, growth of number of villages and settlements. Finally these processes rendered essential influence on an agrarian policy in which there was a support by the state of large settlements on village. 

Anti-Fascist Movement of Prisoners of War in the West Siberian Camps of the NKVD-MVD USSR and its Role in Organizing the Labor Process

Anti-fascist movement had a significant impact on the productivity of prisoners in Western Siberia in the postwar years. Camp Division Administration placed great hopes on the anti-fascist committees to build skills in an environment of war high labor and the growth of its efficiency, reduction of occupational injuries, illnesses and deaths; expose the saboteurs, wreckers, instigators, participants in the underground formations and groups.

Evacuation of the Industrial Enterprises to the Saratov Region and Socially-household Problems of Personnel (1941–1945)

Work covers the important economic and social processes in the history of the Saratov region of the period of the Great Patriotic War. Functioning and a role of the numerous evacuated enterprises, their place in system of the Saratov industry is considered. Complexities of an everyday life of workers, power activity under the decision of new problems of a wartime are analyzed. Growth of migratory activity of a considerable part of the population of area and its reason is marked.

Развитие промышленности Нижнего Поволжья в предвоенные годы (1937–1941)

The article deals with the features of the industrial development of the Lower Volga Region in the pre-war years. The completion of some facilities, the implementation of rapid structural changes, the development of many types of new products, and the provision of sufficiently high rates of development contributed to the transformation of the region into a major industrial center. A comparative analysis of the industrial development of the region in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods proves the effectiveness of the socialist model of industrial development. 

Kalmyk National District and the problem of choosing its administrative center

This article is devoted to the formation of the Kalmyk National District on the Don and the problem of determining its administrative center at the turn of the 1920–1930s. The author, noting the positive phenomena that occurred in the life of the Don Kalmyks as part of the national district (education, preservation of national identity), draws attention to the artificial nature of the creation of this national district in the absence of compact residence of the Don Kalmyks.

Ideology and practice of the anti-Bolshevik “Peasant War” of 1921 in the Saratov Volga region

The article is devoted to the mass resistance of the peasants of the Saratov Volga region in 1921 to the policy of “war communism” of the Bolshevik government. It acquired an armed character and was accompanied both by the fighting of spontaneously formed detachments moving across the territory of the region and occupying certain localities and settlements, and by the general resistance of the peasants of virtually every village to the prodrazverstka measures. The war was brutal, accompanied by mass violence and the destruction of representatives of the opposing side.

The problem of the excess of revolutionary violence in the peasant movement of 1905–1907 (based on the materials of the Saratov Province)

The article examines the phenomenon of revolutionary violence, cultivated and entrenched in the mass peasant consciousness at the beginning of the XX century. The author, relying on archival sources, explores the evolution and features of the excesses of revolutionary violence manifested inthe peasantmovement in 1905–1906 usingthe example ofthe Saratov province. The article concludesthatthe syndrome of violence in the agrarian movement has formed as an archetype of the mass revolutionized consciousness of the peasant masses, manifested in their illegal actions.

Voivode of Saratov Ivan Ivanovich Kosagov (1660–1662)

The article presents for the first time the biography of the Saratov voivode Ivan Ivanovich Kosagov, the father of the famous General Grigory Kosagov. I. I. Kosagov began his service at the court of Tsar Mikhail Romanov in 1620 at the age of 17, and before that he served with the patriarch for several years, like many of his ancestors. Becoming a Moscow nobleman in 1631, he received his first appointmenttothe voivodeship in Yuriev-Polsky,thenmainly served onthe southern borders. It is said about his regimental service in Mtsensk, Lomov, Tula.

Land management of Jews in the Pskov region in the 1920s

In the article, based on the materials of the Pskov Region of the 1920s, attempts to transform Jews into an agricultural nation are considered: allotment of their land, land management, organization of national collective farms; the inconsistency of the activities carried out, their results are shown.
