Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия.

История. Международные отношения

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

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Бельцер А. А. БАРОН И РАЗБОЙНИКИ: ЛОРД ТОМАС ДАКР И ЖИТЕЛИ ТАЙНДЕЙЛА И РИДДЕСДЕЙЛА (1511-1525) // Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия: История. Международные отношения. 2015. Т. 15, вып. 1. С. 57-61. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2015-15-1-57-61

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Бельцер Александр Анатольевич, Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П. Королева

Данная статья посвящена ситуации на англо-шотландском пограничье. На примере политики барона Дакра, генерального стража пограничья по отношению к жителям Тайндейла и Риддесдейла показаны особенности взаимоотношений Короны, знати и местного дворянства.

Список источников: 

[1] Articles of Accusation preferred against Lord Dacre, Warden of the East and Middle Marches between England and Scotland, by the inhabitants of Northumberland//Hodgson J. History of Northumberland. Newcastle, 1828. V. III (i). P. 31-40.

[1] Reid R. King’s Council of the North. L., 1921. Ellis S. G. A Border baron and the Tudor State: The rise and fall of lord Dacre of the North// Historical journal. 1992. V. 35. № 2. Ellis S. G. Frontiers and Power in the Early Tudor State// History Today. April, 1995. Ellis S. G. Tudor Frontiers and Noble Power: The Making of British State. Oxford, 1995. Etty C. Tudor Revolution? Royal Control of the Anglo-Scottish Border, 1483-1530. Unpublished PhD thesis. Durham, 2006.

[1] Robson R. The Rise and Fall of the English Highland clans. Tudor response to a Mediaeval Problem. Edinburgh, 1989. P. 2-7.

[1] Ibid. P.22-29.

[1] Ellis S. G. A Border baron and the Tudor State: The rise and fall of lord Dacre of the North// Historical journal. 1992. V. 35. № 2. P.258. Ellis S. G. Tudor Frontiers and Noble Power: The Making of British State. Oxford, 1995. P.81.

[1] Ellis S. G. Tudor Frontiers and Noble Power... P. 84.

[1] Etty C. “Noo man indented for the keeping of the Borders”: Royal Administration of the Marches, 1483-1509// England and Scotland at War, 1296-1513. Leiden, 2012. P. 329-330.

[1] Ibid. P. 340

[1] Etty C. Neighbours from Hell? Living with Tynedale and Redesdale, 1489-1547// Liberties and Identities in Medieval British Isles/ Ed. by M. Prestwick. L., 2008. P. 122.

[1] Ibid.

[1] Ibid.

[1] Letters & papers, foreign & domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII, preserved in the PRO, the BM & Elsewhere in England. 21 vols. L., 1862-1921. V. 4 (I). №731 (Далее - LP)

[1] Ellis S. G. Tudor Frontiers and Noble Power... P. 153.

[1] Articles of Accusation… P. 34

[1] Original letters illustrative English History/Ed. by H. Ellis. 1st series. 3 vols. L., 1825. V. 1. P. 96

[1] LP 3(II) №2536, 4(I) №278

[1] LP 2(1) №850

[1] LP3(II) №2955, 2960

[1] Ellis S. G. A Border baron and the Tudor State… P. 265-266. Ellis S. G. Tudor Frontiers and Noble Power… P. 153.

[1] LP 3(II) №2328

[1] Charleton E. Memorials of North Tynedale and its Four Surnames. Newcastle, 1871. P. 37.

[1] LP 4(I) №346

[1] Etty C. Neighbours from Hell? Living with Tynedale and Redesdale, 1489-1547…P. 128.

[1] LP 1 №4403

[1] LP 4 (I) №482

[1] Charleton E. Memorials… P. 44

[1] Articles of Accusation…P. 34-35.

[1] LP 3 (II) №3173

[1] LP 3 (II) №3598

[1] LP 4 (I) №10

[1] LP 4 (I) №405