Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

образ власти

Power in Eastern City in Perception of the English Travellers at the End of XVI – Beginning of XVII Centuries

This article has analysed the portrayal of eastern countries as «another» culture by English travellers. The endeavour was to show what were early modern English perceptions of «Eastern» power. The «backwardness» of the «others» was portrayed in the English travel writings through critical remarks concerning the political system of the eastern countries. English traveller had the same view and thought that eastern cities were rich but they needed a good government.

Representative Tasks of Power in Soviet Massmedia in 1920th

In this article the author considers the problem of organization and development of soviet massmedia of the 1920, through the representative tasks of power. Besides, we learn the peculiarities of massmedia development conditions. The author picks out the journals, which realize political tasks. He gives the characteristics of all the groups.

Sunset Russian Empire or image power revolutionary era (on materials Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry provisional Government)

In this paper, using materials of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry Interim Government an attempt is made to analyze the professional and moral and psychological qualities of some key figures in the Tsarist regime, formed the characteristic features of the image power in recent years the reign of Nicholas II.


Автор статьи анализирует содержание и истоки представлений об идеальном правителе в период распада каролингского мира на отдельные королевства в конце IX-X веков. На материале повествовательных источников автор рассматривает эволюцию образов власти, доказывая зависимость их происхождения от происходивших в каролингском мире событий и предшествующей письменной традиции.