Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Unknown pages of the Saratov’s left bank

The article deals with the unknown pages of the history of the left bank of Saratov, related with staying in this city many well-known secular and church leaders in the XVII century. First time given the chronology of events that took place in this city.

River crossings in the USSR transportation system in war time (the case of the Lower Volga during the Great Patriotic War)

The paper deals with Volga river crossings as a vital means of transportation during the Great Patriotic War. The information on river crossings work before and duringthe Battle of Stalingrad are summarized, systematized and supplemented. The changes intheir number, location and work in fighting are traced. The results of Volga crossings work are established. The conclusion on Volga crossings vital importance for evacuation as well is made.

Экономический эффект реорганизации речного транспорта на Волге в 1934–1936 годы

В статье анализируется положение речного флота СССР в период его реорганизации в середине 1930-х гг. Показаны результаты проводимых мероприятий на примере деятельности Верхневолжского, Средневолжского и Нижневолжского водного транспорта на данном этапе. Сделан вывод об исключительной важности речной инфраструктуры Волги в транспортной системе народного хозяйства страны. Волжский флот выполнял более трети всех речных перевозок в СССР, однако из-за недостаточных капиталовложений испытывал постоянные трудности.

On the Eve of the Battle of Stalingrad: the First Half of the 1942 Navigation on the Volga

The paper analyses the condition of the Volga river transportation in the beginning of the 1942 navigation and the peculiarities of its organization. The author demonstrates the outcomes of the measures on improvement of the Upper-Volga, Middle-Volga and Lower Volga Steamship Lines as well as the “Volgotanker” Steamship Line. The paper concludes on the exceptional character of transportation of cargoes, oil included, on the Volga in the period.