Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Vasilij Alekseyevich Gorodtsov and Archaeology of the Lower Volga Region (to the 150 th Anniversary of the Researcher)

The article deals with the activity of V.A. Gorodtsov, an outstanding Russian archaeologist, in terms of the history of archaeology of the Lower Volga Region. His papers are of fundamental importance for investigating the Bronze Age monuments and artifacts of the Gorodets culture. He used to cooperate with the amateur archaeologists from Saratov and was the first one to recognize availability of the monuments of the Bronze Age pit, timber and Khvalynskaya cultures in the region. Gorodtsov gave special attention to the Sosnovo-Mazinskij hoard.

On Historical-Archaeological Identification of One ‘Northern People’ in Jordan (Get., 116)

The article considers the ethnical situation in remote regions of Eastern Europe at the edge of Antiquity and Middle Ages as it was reflected in Jordan’s Getica. It shows limits and capabilities of traditional philological and historical analysis of this source. The most doubtful are the ethnonyms mentioned in the list after Merens (‘Merya’), Mordens (‘Mordva’) и Imniskaris (‘Cheremis’). The author demonstrates capabilities of a new approach to the problem with the use of archaeological data.

Commercial Relations of Settlement Beregovoy 4 (on Materials of Ceramic Containers)

In article economic relations of the Settlement Beregovoy 4 located on Fontalovsky peninsula in Temruk area of Krasnodar region are considered. The analysis of a mass archaeological material with application of methods of mathematical statistics has allowed to reconstruct dynamics of import of the goods from the different industrial centres from the end VI to the middle of III century BC.

Culture Genesis in the Lower Volga Region during the Late Bronze Age

Substantiation is provided for a model of culture genesis in the Lower Volga Region during the Late Bronze Age (LBA). Three phases corresponding to the succeeding archaeological cultures are recognized in the LBA of the region. The first phase (LBA 1) – the Pokrovsk culture, the second one (LBA 2) – the timber-grave culture, the third one (LBA 3) – the Khvalynsk culture of beaded pottery. At the change of phases, monuments of mixed types occur, with combined elements of the preceding and of the subsequent archaeological cultures.


The paper deals with the history of studying and interpreting the monuments of the Late bronze Age in the Lower Volga region. Viewpoints of various archeologists are analyzed concerning the archeological objects of crucial importance for modeling the timber-grave cultural-historical area.

PROFESSOR FRANZ BALLOD (To the 95th anniversary of Saratov University first archaeological expedition)

The paper deals with scientific, pedagogical and museum activities of F.V. Ballod who was a professor at Saratov State University for nearly five years (1918–1923). The paper is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the first archaeological expedition organized and accomplished by  Saratov State University in June 1919 at the Uvek settlement. The expedition was led by professor Ballod.

Профессор П. С. Рыков — исследователь позднего бронзового века Поволжья, Волго-Уральского и Волго-Донского междуречья

К середине 1930-х гг. профессор Саратовского государственного университета Павел Сергеевич Рыков разработал концептуальные основы процесса культурогенеза бронзового века Нижнего
Поволжья. При этом весьма существенное место он уделил памятникам хвалынской культуры позднего бронзового века. Вслед за работами В. А. Городцова и А. М. Тальгрена исследования
П. С. Рыкова явились весьма важными и до сих пор сохраняют свое значение при разработке проблем эпохи поздней бронзы Поволжья, Волго-Уральского и Волго-Донского междуречья.

Археология в Саратовском университете и Нижне-Волжском институте краеведения на переломе эпох (1920–1930-е годы)

По решению Временного правительства в Саратовском университете образуется историко-филологический факультет. Открывается отделение истории искусств и археологии. Функционировало Общество истории, археологии и этнографии, преобразованное в Нижневолжское общество краеведения. Был создан Археологический научно-исследовательский институт, реорганизованный в Нижне-Волжский институт краеведения. Он сыграл важную роль в археологическом изучении Юго-Востока нашей страны. Постоянно существовала кафедра, где преподавалась археология.

Archaeological and Ethnographic Hobbies of F. N. Glinka in the Context of His «Active Life»

The article is devoted to F. N. Glinka’s archaeological and ethnographic interests and research related to his interest in Russian history, his position as an educator, and his desire to be useful to society. The author focuses on Glinka’s local history journey of 1810–1811, his scientific and educational activities as Chairman of the Free society of admirers of Russian literature, folklore and ethnographic studies during the Petrozavodsk exile, archaeological research on the territory of Tver Karelia, and their poetic and scientific interpretation.