Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Государство и легалистская пресса: 40 лет под давлением (1864-1904 гг.).

Во второй половине XIX – начале ХХ веков видную роль в российском освободительном движении играла легалистская (юридическая) пресса. Ее ведущие издания исповедовали принципы законности и правопорядка. Собственно, сам термин «Порядок» появился благодаря одноименной газете, а сторонники легализма именовались «люди правового порядка». Несмотря на объективно государственнический характер легалистской прессы, консервативная часть бюрократии не смогла воспринять эти умеренно-прогрессивные идеи и в 1880-е годы перешла в наступление на легалистские издания.

On Establishment of the Russian Censorship in the First Quarter of 18th century

The article examines the process of press censorship establishment in the environment of reforms that encompassed all spheres of life of the society in the first quarter of 18th century.

Governmental and Community Initiatives in Question of Regulation of Russian Censorship at the Beginning of the XIX Century

The article considers the initiatives of the Russian Emperor Alexander I and his Unofficial Committee in question of Censorship Reform. The article gives an account of the the community influence in question organization of the Censorial Statute of 1804. 

Censorship Policy of Catherine the Great in 1762–1771

The article considers the first initiatives of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great in question of Censorship. The article gives an account of the state controlling of book printing, book delivery and book banning in the second half of 18th century. The great interest is the analysis of the public opinion in question of Catherine’s censorship reforms.

N. A. Milyutin’s “Comments” on the article “Aristocracy and the interests of the nobility”

N. A. Milyutin’s “Comments” on the article “Aristocracy and the interests of the nobility. Thoughts and remarks on the peasant issue” by V. P. Bezobrazov reveal an under-reported episode of government policy in the field of the press during the development of peasant and local selfgovernment reforms. Consideration of V. P.


One of the outstanding statemen and public figures of the Russia of the 40s – 60s of the 19th century was Avraam Sergeyevich Norov.He devoted his life to serving Russia which he loved sincerely and unselfishly. In 1812 A. S. Norov, a young boy of 17, defended his Motherland from the enemy. In 1854–1858 holding the post of the Minister of People`s Education he contributed with all his efforts to the development of education in the country. A. S. Norov made a significant contribution to the formation and development of native Oriental Studies.

On the Problem of Development of Source Base on History in Russia in the Middle of the 19th Century

The article is concerned with the government policy in the field of publication of scientific origins connected with activities of Russian Historical association in Moscow University. The government activity in scientific sphere was connected with ideology. Ministry of enlightenment tried to prohibit publication of ‘harmful’ books. The author concludes that government interference into scientific affairs could not be unlimited. Russian university scientists protested against administrative influence into development of science and publication of historical sources.

The minister for people’s education A. S. Norov in the memoirs and letters of Russian professors of the mid-19th century

One of the notable personalities during the reign of the Emperor Nicholas I was Abraham Sergeyevich Norov who occupied the post of the Minister of People’s Education from 1853 to 1858. In domestic historical literature the opinion has been rooted that he was a model of a conservative intellectual, a weak-willed person who fell under the influence of other people. The paper attempts to find out how A. S. Norov was treated by professors at Russian universities who often communicated with him and what they thought about him.