Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

XVII век

Russian travelers of the XVII century about the osteries of Italian cities

The article discusses the description of the osteria of Italian cities by Russian travelers of the XVII century – stolnik P. A. Tolstoy and boyar B. P. Sheremetev. Only in the travel notes of stolnik P. A. Tolstoy is a detailed description of the osteria given. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that the entries of the travel diaries of Russian travelers of the XVII century and their actual tour contributed to the active penetration of such an institution into the everyday life of Russia. 

Court music in the middle and the second half of the XVII century as the reflection of the trends of a transitional period in Russian history

This article is focused on the cultural and historical processes in the XVIIth-century Russia, with musical culture revealing some post-Medieval and baroque stylistic features. The paper analyzes the forms of court music, characterizes singers’ corporations and diversity of genres, points out new singing styles and brings forward the idea of gradual appearance of secular music performing, theatre and military music.

Город Коротояк во время восстания Степана Разина в 1670–1671 годы

В статье рассмотрен один из самых примечательных эпизодов истории построенного на Дону города Коротояка во второй половине XVII в. Этим переломным моментом стали подготовка и успешное отражение правительственными силами пришедших к городу отрядов Степана Разина, которым был дан бой 27 сентября 1670 г. После этого восставшими была предпринята попытка захвата города путем склонения на свою сторону местных жителей, но она так и не была реализована.

«I find myself in Saratov in my sorrows…»: Pavel (Paisiy) Dubenskoy

The article compares biographical information about Pavel Dubenskoy, a large Volga industrialist of the 17th century, who later became the founder of the monastery in Saratov. One of Dubensky’s autographs dates back to 1682. This is an inscript on the book kept in the fund of the Regional Scientific Library of Saratov State University.