Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The pedagogical activity of the English writer Hannah More at the turn of the XVIIIth – XIXth centuries

The article examines the pedagogical activity of the English writer and teacher of the turn of the XVIII–XIX centuries Hannah More. It is shown that she not only wrote about the need to provide girls with the opportunity to receive education, but also organized schools and women’s creative circles for them, popularized charitable activities among English women. The main attention is paid to the difficulties that H. More had to overcome in this field.

Я.М. Неверов педагог и организатор просвещения на Северном Кавказе

Статья посвящена просветителю, педагогу, администратору Я. М. Неверову. В статье рассматривается этапы его становления под влиянием передовой интеллигенции XIX века, анализируется деятельность и вклад в просвещение горцев.

Я.М. Неверов педагог и организатор просвещения на Северном Кавказе

Статья посвящена просветителю, педагогу, администратору Я. М. Неверову. В статье рассматривается этапы его становления под влиянием передовой интеллигенции XIX века, анализируется деятельность и вклад в просвещение горцев.

P.-Sh. Leveque about Ivan the Terrible

The author focuses on the lighting the reign of Ivan IV the Terrible by P.-Sh. Leveque on the pages of his «Russian History». Leveque was the first of the French historians who have tried to not only to give a critical assessment of the era, but also have tried to make an objective look at on the personality of the Russian autocrat of the XVI century.

Russian theme in the perception of H. Walpol

The problem of intercultural dialogue and the formation of the image of the “other” in a certain cultural tradition is being actively developed in modern historiography at different levels. When writing this article, the level of personal perception by the representative of the English Enlightenment of the carriers of the Russian cultural tradition was chosen. Horace Walpole gained fame in various areas of cultural life. The article analyzes Walpole’s perception of the Russian theme, examines how in this case the personal corresponds to the national tradition.

Semantic Field of Concept «Reason» in XVIII Century Aesthetic Thought (on A. Popes’ Works)

This work concerns revealing basic signatures of the concept «reason» (wit, judgment, understanding, sense etc.) and their semantic interrelations in aesthetic discourses of XVIII. The analysis is made on the basis of the works of Pope on art criticism. The author notes that in the English lexicon of the first half of XVIII century «reason» united around itself majority of concepts denoting cognitive and creative activity of a person.

Censorship Policy of Catherine the Great in 1762–1771

The article considers the first initiatives of the Russian Empress Catherine the Great in question of Censorship. The article gives an account of the state controlling of book printing, book delivery and book banning in the second half of 18th century. The great interest is the analysis of the public opinion in question of Catherine’s censorship reforms.


One of the outstanding statemen and public figures of the Russia of the 40s – 60s of the 19th century was Avraam Sergeyevich Norov.He devoted his life to serving Russia which he loved sincerely and unselfishly. In 1812 A. S. Norov, a young boy of 17, defended his Motherland from the enemy. In 1854–1858 holding the post of the Minister of People`s Education he contributed with all his efforts to the development of education in the country. A. S. Norov made a significant contribution to the formation and development of native Oriental Studies.

«Павсаниево описание Еллады», или Судьба одного русского перевода, выполненного при Екатерине II

В статье рассматривается первый русский перевод «Описания Эллады» Павсания (1788–1789 гг.) в контексте культурно-просветительской политики Екатерины II. Этот перевод был
выполнен в специальной комиссии под названием «Собрание, старающееся о переводе иностранных книг» и стал первой в мире удачной попыткой перевести «Описание Эллады» с
греческого на современный европейский язык. Поднимается проблема восприятия античного

H. Walpole’s “Historic Doubts” in his Characterization of Richard III

Статья посвящена анализу сочинения Х. Уолпола «Исторические сомнения относительно жизни и правления короля Ричарда Третьего». Предпринята попытка пересмотра и реабилитации английского короля Ричарда III. Историк-любитель, знаток политических тонкостей Х. Уолпол постарался установить связь между формированием образа Ричарда III и политической обстановкой, сложившейся в стране после его смерти. Работа Х.
