Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)



Статья направлена на обобщение и анализ материалов по исследованию Турецкой внутренней политики. Турция стала формировать свою политическую систему с начала ХХ века и с самого первого периода развития государства националистическая идеология стала играть важную политическую роль в жизни страны. Национализм в Турции стал формироваться как особая, государственная идеология. По мере роста экономического благосостояния страны, укрепления ее внешнеполитических позиций как региональной державы, возрастало влияние и националистических идей.

The «Turkish Model of Development» and the Reasons for its Failure for the post-Soviet Caspian Countries (1992–1993)

The article is devoted to the study of the reasons of the post-Soviet Caspian states’ refusal to use the «Turkish model» for their own economic and political development. It also analyzes the American attitude towards the countries of the region after the rejection of the concept of the «Turkish model of development» and the Caspian region states’ foreign policies in 1992–1993.

The International aspect of Circassian Involvement to the Young Turk movement in the 19th century

The author traces the role of North Caucasian emigrants (Circassians) in the Young Turk movement. For a long time, since the 19th century, Circassian question have maintained high political importance on the international agenda, turning Circassians and their projected North Caucasian state into a proto-subject of international relations. The main support for such subjectivisation was provided by Great Britain, but uptothe end ofthe 19th century Circassian issues had lost much of its importance for the British Empire.

Ahmet Davutoglu’s conception of Turkish foreign policy

The article focuses on the issue of change of Turkish Republic’s foreign policy line under the influence of Ahmet Davutoglu’s conception. It examines the reasons which had led Turkey to the necessity of foreign policy priorities’ change and prospects of formation of Turkey as regional power. It also presents the principles that form the basis of new foreign policy line and objectives of Turkish foreign policy for the next decade

European vector of Turkish foreign policy

The article focuses on the issue of Turkey’s EU accession. It examines the main problems and prospects of Turkish integration with the EU. It also presents the reforms of Turkish government with a view to match the Copenhagen Criteria and the attitude of European politicians towards the accession of Turkey to the European Union

The U.S.’s Turkish policy: Genesis and Evolution in 1980s

This article is devoted to the American policy toward Turkey in the 1980s. The special attention is paid to the influence of the «perestroika» in the USSR on changing Ankara`s role in the foreign policy of Washington. The article shows competition between ethnic lobbies and the Reagan administration for the right to determine the direction of the American-Turkish relations.

Turkish Foreign Policy in the First Decade of XXI Century: the Experience of Mediation Efforts

The article focuses on the issue of mediation efforts of Turkey aimed at enhancing its role in regional and global scale. It shows the reasons which had an influence on the change of foreign policy line of Turkey in the first decade of XXI century. It also presents the experience of mediation efforts and examines the obstacles which hadn’t allowed Turkey to fulfil its potential to its full extent.


The Iranian Factor of Anglo-Soviet Conciliation after Nazi Aggression against the Soviet Union (June – July, 1941)

The hypothesis is justified in the article thatidentity of positions on situation in Iran after Nazi aggression against USSR have predetermined rather rapid overcoming of mutual distrust between USSR and Great Britain and conclusion of an agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany.


В статье на основе донесений фельдмаршала А. Уйэвелла военному министру Великобритании Дж. Григу рассматриваются подготовка и осуществление ввода британских сил в Иран в августе 1941 г. в рамках совместной операции с Красной армией.

The Discourse of Turkish «Soft Power» in the Context of the Turkish Foreign Policy Transformation in 2001–2015 (Based on Turkish Political Leaders’ Speech Analysis)

The article discusses the study features of “Turkish model” and «Turkish Soft Power» concepts usage in academic and scientific circles of Turkey. Based on the Turkish leaders Ahmet Davutoglu and Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s speeches the author analyzes the key components invested in these concepts. The time frame of the study was 2001–2014, and the basis of the presented statistics was the work of 2015, presented by Turkish researchers Yohanan Benhaim and Kerem Oktem “The rise and fall of Turkey’s soft power discourse.
