Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Romanian vector in theforeign policy of the Republic of Moldova: The political dimension of thefoundations and dynamics of bilateral relations between Chisinau and Bucharest

The article examines the foundations of bilateral relations between Moldova and Romania since the collapse of the USSR. The author analyzes the phenomenon of Moldovan unionism and its influence on the foreign policy of Chisinau in the Romanian direction. Individual stages of Moldovan-Romanian relations are highlighted in the context of regular transformations of the internal political situation in Moldova.

Activities of Samuel Hoare in Russia 1916

The article examines the formation and activities of the British intelligence officer S. Hoare in Russia. His memories as a witness of the last days of the Russian Empire are very useful for researchers. Relations with representatives of the Russian liberal opposition allowed S. Hoare to gather important information about the Russian economy. The author concludes that Samuel Hoare significantly influenced Russia’s strengthening of the continental blockade.

The formation of medical microbiology in Russia and the problem of cholera, 1885–1910

The article is devoted to the history of formation of medical microbiology in Tsarist Russia. Since 1885 the first enthusiasts of «germ theory» in Russia with supporting of science patrons began to develop it in Odessa and St. Petersburg. The particular international type of scientific culture, which was embodied in the activity of bacteriological laboratories, is formed, but it had the local peculiarities. The microorganisms’ investigations in Russia at the end of 1880s were far from the interests of physicians.

The Saratov University During the First World War (1914– 1917)

In the article the life of the Saratov University during the First World War (before 1917) is examined. The changes in the activity of professorial and students’ corporations connected with the war’s tasks are analyzed. The special emphasis is made on indices of growth and development of this higher school.

The Harvard’s «Russian Project»: from Triumph to Disgrace

The article is devoted to the study of the role and place of Harvard Institute for International Development in the Russian reforms during 1990s and peculiarities of the Institute’s functioning within Harvard University. Besides, the influence of the institute leading persons on the development of the American aid program to Russia and the circumstances of the institute’s liquidation are also studied.

Participation of the UK in the military operation in Ukraine in 2022

The article analyzes the role and place of Great Britain in the preparation of the military conflict in Ukraine, as well as the formation of the terrorist concept of warfare led by the Ukrainian army and special services. Both direct and indirect participation of British military structures in combat actions against the Russian armed forces in 2022 is examined. The article outlines the supplies of weapons and military equipment to Ukraine by the UK, the forms and directions of training of the Ukrainian “proxy army” by British military instructors.

Participation of Moldova in the CIS: The influence of internal factors, evolution and problematic aspects

The article examines the dynamics of Moldova’s participation in the CIS in the context of the internal political struggle in the republic. The author analyzes the process of a country joining the organization and highlights problematic aspects of this process. The influence of international actors on the formation of the foreign policy course of Chisinau between Russia and the EU is considered.

Франко-российское соперничество в Северной Африке в 2010-е годы

Статья посвящена соперничеству Франции и России в Северной Африке в 2010-х гг., когда распространение «арабской весны» в этом регионе исказило существовавший политический ландшафт. Рассматривается политика Франции на североафриканском направлении, а также интересы и задачи России в регионе. Отмечается изменение политико-экономических связей государств Северной Африки с мировыми акторами в условиях увеличения частоты кризисов в мировой энергетической сфере и постепенного ухудшения политической ситуации между ЕС и Россией.

К вопросу о российско-британском сближении в 1826-1827 гг.

Аннотация. В статье предпринимается попытка выявить и проследить причины сближения между Россией и Великобританией в 1826-1827 гг. Для более глубокого анализа российско-британского сближения 1826-1827 гг. был дан анализ причин ухудшения двухсторонних отношений между Россией и Великобританией в 1824-1825 гг. В статье также был дан анализ политики Австрии в 1826-1827 гг., которая выступала противницей любого вмешательства в греческий вопрос.

Eastern Mediterranean and the Syrian issue in the foreign policy priorities of Russia and the United States

Russian and foreign specialists continue to maintain their research interest in the Eastern Mediterranean, both in view of the energy potential of the region as well as unresolved security issues. This article considers the role of global powers – Russia and the United States – in the Eastern Mediterranean from the point of view of the theory of the regional security complex. An attempt was made to determine the interests and priorities of Moscow and Washington on the basis of an analysis of the doctrinal approaches of both states in the identified subcomplex.
