Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The “Shiite issue” in Iraqi-Iranian relations under Saddam Hussein

The article analyzes the views of Saddam Hussein, based on his statements regarding the “Shiite question”, which was originally based on the ideological heritage of the Ba’th, set out in the Constitution of 1951. However, under the influence of the processes that took place in Iraq throughout the 1970s, in particular the Kurdish national movement and the “Islamic awakening” of Shiites under the influence of the Iranian Revolution of 1979, Saddam Hussein was forced to adjust the ideas of the Ba’th to new realities.

Palestinian front of the Islamic revolution

In the article analyzes the «Palestinian» track in the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It’s studying initiatives of Teheran in resolving of «the Palestinian conflict» and reaction to them from the Arabian world. Also consider the transformation of foreign policy structures of the region in the Middle East caused by a policy of Israel and the USA in the Palestinian territories after operation «Cast lead» in 2009 year.

This is my religious duty”: Ayatollah Khomeini’s political debut in 1962

The article examines the events of October – December 1962 in Iran, related to the discussions that took place in Iranian society on the issue of the election bill, as part of the preparation of the reforms of the “White Revolution of the Shah and the People”. Based on the analysis of Ayatollah Khomeini’s speeches and appeals, his views and approaches to the proposed bill are characterized. Based on the results of the analysis, it is concluded that Ayatollah Khomeini’s approach to the Shah’s initiative is unconstitutional and anti-Islamic.

The «Islamic awakening» and the «Arab Spring»: Iran's foreign policy doctrine

This article analyzes the theoretical concept of "Islamic awakening," proposed by the leader of the Islamic Revolution Ali Khamenei for the interpretation of the events of the "Arab Spring" in the Middle East. Based on the study of statements Khamenei, analyzes the theoretical basis of the doctrine of foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the present stage for regional security cooperation and pan-Islamic

Turkey, Iran, USA and the Iraq Crisis of 2003 year

In article are analyzed the specificity of relations between Turkey, Iran and the USA on the eve, during Iraq war and after. Thus the author gives the big attention to consideration of turkish and Iranian tools of crisis reaction to address of this conflict, and also touches a kurdish question which aggravation was direct investigation of the american intervention.

The Iranian issue in the context of the American-Russian relations (2000–2008)

The article is devoted to American-Russian relations during the period of presidency of George W. Bush. The author focuses on the U.S. position on Russian-Iranian collaboration issue. The role of personal diplomacy of George W. Bush and V. Putin in the process of bilateral relations of U.S.A. And Russia is highlighted.

The Iranian Factor of Anglo-Soviet Conciliation after Nazi Aggression against the Soviet Union (June – July, 1941)

The hypothesis is justified in the article thatidentity of positions on situation in Iran after Nazi aggression against USSR have predetermined rather rapid overcoming of mutual distrust between USSR and Great Britain and conclusion of an agreement on joint actions in the war against Germany.

The Iranian Plot. Re-reading I.M. Maisky heritage

In this article, I.M. Maisky’s involvement in the elaboration of a joint USSR and Great Britain position concerning Iran in the summer of 1941 is considered, based on his memoirs, diaries and correspondence. 

Начало несчастного дня шахривара: прием В. М. Молотовым иранского посла 25 августа 1941 года

В статье на основе документов из Архива внешней политики Российской Федерации рассматривается характер и содержание встречи народного комиссара по иностранным делам СССР В. М. Молотова с послом Ирана в Москве М. Саедом, состоявшейся 25 августа 1941 г., на которой Молотов проинформировал посла о вводе советских войск в Иран и вручил соответствующую ноту.


В статье на основе донесений фельдмаршала А. Уйэвелла военному министру Великобритании Дж. Григу рассматриваются подготовка и осуществление ввода британских сил в Иран в августе 1941 г. в рамках совместной операции с Красной армией.
